<cite>drcgreece: </cite> Thanks I'll check that
FYI, if you are using AngularJS UI, the theme is referenced in two places. The other place is the MVC views.
From what I can see, there are some js files referenced as part of metronic assets.
Good luck! /tommy
<cite>tteoh: </cite> Hi Support,
At this juncture, I m still figuring how the language preference (screenshot) is being implemented. Where it is being stored as part of user-specific language preference.
Use case: at the point of user creation, the preferred language can be set. Therefore, user is presented with the preferred language login page the first time.
For example, the current user registration screen, language selection can be entered.
Thanks, /tommy
I finally figured it out and will start a separate discussion thread on this topic. Thanks.
The theme settings is initialized at app.js for AngularJS based application. You might want to start from there.
Search for "/* THEME SETTINGS */
Regards, /tommy
Hi Support,
At this juncture, I m still figuring how the language preference (screenshot) is being implemented. Where it is being stored as part of user-specific language preference.
Use case: at the point of user creation, the preferred language can be set. Therefore, user is presented with the preferred language login page the first time.
For example, the current user registration screen, language selection can be entered.
Thanks, /tommy
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
When returning data to client, shouldn't the Abp Framework convert those Dates to the user's TimeZone instead of using again Clock.Normalize?
As @tteoh also metioned, when you use UtcClockProvider, the date is returned to client in UTC not in user's timezone. You should use momentjs to handle client side operations to handle user's timezone.
@tteoh, your findings are correct :).
Hi Support,
Just one question, while default is saving with UTC but if I wish to save date/time with specific timezone instead of UTC, WHERE and HOW should i implement this?
Use Case: for system monitoring and internal reporting where I don't have to convert from UTC date/time.
Based on documentation, my understanding is below:
Clock.Provider set in Global.asax determines the system timezone. Default, it is set to UTC for AspNet Zero template.
Therefore, Abp will always stored date/time as UTC in DB.
On client side, it will receive date/time in UTC. You wil need to use timing property of abp object to retrieve User's timezone set from My Setting, to perform the required translation using moment.js directive provided by abp framework. I believe this is already the default implementation on standard views.
NOTE: If you remove the default UTC, then Abp not do the conversion to UTC.
My learning is only up to here as I just completed writing a Real-time clock to be display at footer.cshtml. Based on local date/time, it is converted to Server Timezone and User Timezone retrieved from AbpSettings table.
If you have further findings, pls share here.
Thanks, /tommy
Dear Support,
I still can't seem to find Language Preference setting by User in version (Abp.Zero v1.5.0.0)
Please advice.
Thanks, /Tommy
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,
Please don't take it wrong, I didn't give you any instruction because I don't want to send you on a wrong direction. We don't have very well knowledge on this area. I found this article on the web, <a class="postlink" href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/mvc/overview/getting-started/getting-started-with-ef-using-mvc/handling-concurrency-with-the-entity-framework-in-an-asp-net-mvc-application">https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet ... pplication</a>. It might give you a basic idea in order to complete your work.
Finally, you can do it in a custom repository I think.
Hi, having some guided instructions is always better than none :lol:
That's the same article that I have read and been thinking what's the best way to incorporate the exception handling into AspNet Zero. I shall try out the Custom Repository approach instead of EF-Integration Custom Repository.
Thanks. /Tommy
<cite>tteoh: </cite> If using asp.net zero template, by default, the server is running on UTC.
Global.asax.cs is set with Clock.Provider = ClockProvders.Utc
To use local time, the line of code to be removed according to the code comments.
This seems to be different from the online documentation for ASP.NET ZERO, stating "... default startup solution does not enable UTC datetimes.."
Thanks. /tommy
AspNet Zero default setting: Global.asax.cs is set with Clock.Provider = ClockProviders.Utc
Remove or comment the line: System will default to ClockProvider.Unspecified
To use local server time: ClockProvider.Local
My understanding so far.
Thank you providing the additional reference to UoW implementation in github. Certainly help to save time to look them up otherwise.
To close up the discussion, am I right to understand that if a function implemented within the Domain Service to be executed as UoW, it has to be decorated explicitly as DS by default is not UoW.
Thanks. /tommy