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Activities of "tteoh"

Understood. But I m hoping relative path can be used instead of absolute path. For example, "/Images/Logos/logo.png". However, this was not translated when viewing in email client.

Without this ability, prior to deploying from staging environment to live environment, have to change the image path and recompile the solution.

Hope the above further clarifed the intention.

Thanks. /tommy

<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,

I understand your point but I couldn't find a good way for using a relative path. If you have an idea, I will be happy to hear.



Am I right to say that using the current implementation does not automatically translate the "relative path" to actual path when sending the email?

If so, I guess the URL path translation has to be manually done during the replacement of HEADER and BODY. For example, insert a new token called ROOTPATH and replace it after correct site root path.



<cite>maikeloh: </cite> I am trying to implement optimistic concurrency in my aplication service following the guidelines of this feature in entity framework, but i can't make this work, can any provide one example of optimistic concurrency with entity framework and abp. thanks a lot

Please refer to this: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... /issues/50</a>

It is under feature request with Open status.

Hi support,

There was a feature request in github on the above: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... /issues/50</a>

Would like to confirm this is still not implemented ABP framework?

Is there a plan to do so?

I m trying to disgest the opinions expressed but as I am still new to Abp and EF, appreciate a more descriptive advice and guidance to implement it using zero template (MVC+AJS).

The use case is to generate an Order Number during order creation with prefix. I.e. ORD0003

Thanks /tommy

<cite>drcgreece: </cite> Hi, I got a complaint from my client for the following behavior in the Metronic template (Attached). They use tablets of width ~640.

This snapshot is taken from the online demo that you offer: <a class="postlink" href="!/tenant/dashboard"> ... /dashboard</a> Username/Password: admin/123456

Can we do something about it?

Hi Bilal,

May I know what tool did you use to capture the screen that ruler bars?

Thanks. /Tommy

If using zero template, by default, the server is running on UTC.

Global.asax.cs is set with Clock.Provider = ClockProvders.Utc

To use local time, the line of code to be removed according to the code comments.

This seems to be different from the online documentation for ASP.NET ZERO, stating "... default startup solution does not enable UTC datetimes.."

Thanks. /tommy

<cite>maikeloh: </cite> I am trying to implement optimistic concurrency in my aplication service following the guidelines of this feature in entity framework, but i can't make this work, can any provide one example of optimistic concurrency with entity framework and abp. thanks a lot

I was hoping a reply from support coz i am lack of knowlege to begin a proof of concept. May I know how did you attempt the implementation?

The Use Case is primarily motivated by creating a Document/Transaction Number generation module. For example, for each Sales Order saved, a unique SO# can be assigned to the record in addition to the Record Id. Typically, it would be called a Document No. Therefore, it will be critical to ensure that no duplicate Doc No is generated when multiple users are creating new orders at the same time (concurrently).

Thanks. /Tommy

<cite>ismcagdas: </cite> Hi,

In AspNet Zero, we handled it in this way.

  1. We return the values in UTC to client.
  2. We use <a class="postlink" href=""></a> library and set the timezone with user's current timezone setting. You can reach it using "abp.timing.timeZoneInfo.iana.timeZoneId" on the client side.
  3. Then you can use momentjs to format your dates and it will show dates in the specific time zone.

Please write back if you have a different requirement.


Hi Ismail,

Even the default implemented Clock.Provider is set to "Local"? AspNet Zero will first convert the date/time stored in DB in Local to UTC before returning the data to Client side?

Thanks. p/s: Sincere apology if i got your name wrong.

Hi Bilal,

AspNet Zero: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -Angularjs</a> <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -Angularjs</a>

AspNet Zero is built on top of AspBoilderplate. Therefore, a lot of under the hood details are documented here: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

One thing when debugging AspNet Zero, you can't step in ABP codes. You have to download them from GitHub or search in GitHub.

Lastly, AspNet Zero also sits on top of another component: "module-zero", which can be found in GitHub.

The journal of discovery continues... ;o)


<cite>drcgreece: </cite> Hi Tommy, thanks for the feedback.

My aim is to be understand how the framework works from A to Z. I have been working with the framework for 1 month now, I still feel I miss so many details and this gives an uncomfortable feeling, as with every change I want to introduce or anything to add I am always worried I will break something.

So my idea is that if I understand how everything is registered, how components communicate, then things will be easy.

Do you have a pattern or way of going through the framework details and learning it?


Hi Bilal,

It is great to know that I m not learning alone. :D

Check out the abp documentation, it describes on WHAT the platform is made of. As for HOW the platform is built, it offers very little details.

For example, I had to figure out that certain implementation of AspNet Zero were part of module-zero when I failed to locate them in the boilderplate source codes.

I started with the same thought as you but then I realize it is just not possible to learn the whole framework then only to start customization. As for implementation, I would take aspnet zero as the basis of customization. Therefore, it is expected that any future release of this template will not warrant automatic upgrade of base codes. But I m fine with this approach.

For example, I have changed the current Email Confirmation workflow to include Account activation by inserting the codes at the specific section of existing project code files with proper comments. Probably not the best way but fatest way.

Back to the HOW part, I can kind of comprehend your concerns. For example, UnitOfWork in ABP, given the online documentation, I am still puzzled how it actually works. Especially, how it is being applied in AspNet Zero template. I m sure would have shortened the learning curve using the template as reference.

Perhaps, having a "class diagram", may help to paint the big picture. Something beyond my knowledge in OOP.

Good luck! /tommy

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