I enabled IdentityServer and an defined an api Client.
I need to call an api requiring some AbpAuthorize with a client authorized with identityserver client. (Api require a specific role but client just have a client api permission) Client does not have user permission. client is just authorized with client password. Do I need specific API for this purposes or is it possible to execute call with client permission. (if a client is authorised for that client and I do not want to check other authorizations but angular client is needed to be authorized. is it possible to implement a scenario that Angular client is validated with given permission but API client is not needed to be validated)
Forexample how to call an API requiring auth as below from client (not form angular from a client authorized with identityserver clientpassword); "[AbpAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_SomeFunction)]"
resolved at the github issues section.
any improvements or implementation guys?
project created with aspnet zero v 5.3.0 at 16.04.2018
any tip or help would be great.
I have enabled Identityserver on config json.
Swagger UI could not load API definition. with the error "Failed to load API definition. Internal Server Error /swagger/v1/swagger.json"
please find log details below. I have found some questions on the forum but the link provided in the answer is broken. thanks for your help.
System.InvalidOperationException: You must either set Authority or IntrospectionEndpoint at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.OAuth2IntrospectionOptions.Validate() at IdentityModel.AspNetCore.OAuth2Introspection.PostConfigureOAuth2IntrospectionOptions.PostConfigure(String name, OAuth2IntrospectionOptions options)