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Activities of "wddpct"

Hello, I am confused about debugging the ABP project which I have downloaded from the Github( a lot

whatever the JsonResult I write , I found abp my application always return success, result, error, xxxx, and 'result' contained the value I wanted to return.How could I use my return value !!!!!!I'm in a hurry………………

I found I can't inject “ILogger” as usual, there is no inject point in actionfilter, can you help me to solve it out

Hi.I have to admit that I spent a lot of time to write these words(sorry,my English is poor) In the ActionFilter of Mvc, I can't use constructor or property Injection, cuz there are no injection points. Finally, I choose the method which can work. When I defined a interface such as ITest which contain the method like 'GetName()', and I defined the Test which inherited the former. I write the code like 'IocManager.IocContainer.Register( Component.For<ITest >());' in the 'Initialize' of Module's methods. And I resolve the ITest in my action filter like 'var test = IocManager .Instance.Resolve< ITestService >().GetName();', Yes, it can work.But I want to know, how do you deal with it when you want to use the services' methods or some interface by injected!!! thanks a lot.!!!

When I create an repository like 'Repository', I can't use those methods such as 'AddRange' or others. Here is my code

public class TaskRepository: BrightEyesProjectRepositoryBase<Task,long>, ITaskRepository { public TaskRepository(IDbContextProvider<BrightEyesProjectDbContext> dbContextProvider) : base(dbContextProvider) { }

   public OperationResult InsertTaskList(List&lt;Task&gt; tasks)
       var operationResult = new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Success);

     **var data = Context.Tasks.AddRange(tasks);**// there is a mistake about 'AddRange'.IDbSet&lt;Task&gt; Not included in the definition of 'AddRange'.

       throw new NotImplementedException();

Could you fix it, thank you...

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