Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "willignicolas"


IBlobStorage come from the nuget. An instance is provide by a factory method provided by the nuget and the instance is injected in castle windsor with a name. So it's a singleton.

There is the registration code called twice (for 2 instances of IBlobStorage) in the postInitialize method of my core module :

 IBlobStorage storage = StorageFactory.Blobs.DirectoryFiles(directory);

Hope this will help you to find the best implementation.

(It's pity that the register method of IScopedIocResolver do not take a string parameter to resolved the named injected instances)

Thanks for your answer.

I have 9 methods that use FileProvider in my domainservice so I must do that every time ?


I have the exact same problem but I have no '(', ')' or any other special characters in my path.
Did you manage to solve the issue? If yes, how?

Thank you.


Thanks for your answer.

No sorry I have not resolved the two issues. Interception of an instance and injection in the instance.

Yes for the injection in the class of the instance component the manual resolve with iocmanager will certainly work thanks.

I have injected my instance component to use interceptor on the first place so I'm still stuck with that for the moment. I have posted the question on stackoverflow ( and on the support mailling list of castle windsor with no answer for now.


And on the same subject, a component that is a instancied object seems to cannot have dependency injection in his class.

Is it correct?

Ok thank you for this information.

I continue to debug though dotnet process.

It's works good.

Yes it works now.

Thank you.

Have you any documentation about that, to anderstand what append?

For the virtual directories outside the mvc website, I have just see on the beginning of our project that files on common, dist and metronic folders are searched on the root of iis (ex: http://localhost/dist/...) so if I not create virtual directory there are not finded in mvc website.

Maybe I have not pointed the good solution?

Thanks again for your help now I'm on the same working situation before the merge with the 7.1.0.


I don t anderstand. All work good before the merge with the 7.1.0

My virtual directries are only the dist metronic and Common directories and are outside the mvc website on iis. (same that before the merge)

Yes this error is in the output of VS when a debugging IIS via VS.

After that if a start directly chrome with the website url I can see that all file in my virtual forlders have an error (dist, metronic, common) () :

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable)

maybe it put you on a lead

Thanks for your Quick reply.

I have already tested his manipulation (sorry to forget to mention that on first post) but same problème again.

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