Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "wingers"

perfect thanks

one final question relating to the login page. How do I change the background image?

I assume I could replace login.png and login-dark.png in *.Web.Mvc\wwwroot\metronic\assets\media\svg\illustrations

But also assumed I could edit path in *.Web.Mvc\Views\TenantRegistration_Layout.cshtml, but this method doesn't work?

Perfect, thank you very much

Okay thanks, rearrange my code and now have it working.

One final question - when logging out how can I have it redirect back to my startup page rather than going back to /Account/Login

Thank you for your response.

So I have added my new page and its controller as documented in previous reply - called Startup.

I have now edited the correct HomeController.cs as below, but when running I get error as below about not being logged on, but the whole point is I don't want to have to be logged on to see this first page

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Abp.Runtime.Session;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using PCADemo.Identity;
using PCADemo.Web.Controllers;

namespace PCADemo.Web.Controllers
    public class HomeController : PCADemoControllerBase
        private readonly SignInManager _signInManager;

        public HomeController(SignInManager signInManager)
            _signInManager = signInManager;

        public async Task<IActionResult> Index(string redirect = "", bool forceNewRegistration = false)
            if (forceNewRegistration)
                await _signInManager.SignOutAsync();

            if (redirect == "TenantRegistration")
                return RedirectToAction("SelectEdition", "TenantRegistration");

            return AbpSession.UserId.HasValue ?
                RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "App" }) :
                RedirectToAction("Index", "Startup", new { area = "App" }); // You can specify it on the application opening page

        public IActionResult WelcomePage()
            return View();


Thanks for reply.

My project is MVC.

I created a new controller (.Web.Mvc\Areas\App\Controllers\StartupController.cs) and a new page (.Web.Mvc\Areas\App\Views\Startup\Index.cshtml), but can't see to work out how to change the HomeController to load that new page first correctly as currently HomeController has [AbpMvcAuthorize] and code to check various criteria as to what page to load, even removing the [AbpMvcAuthorize] and setting it to just my page didn't work for me as initially got error. Comments please?

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