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Activities of "wizgod"

Hi @maliming,

I was updating entites (that implemented IMustHaveTenant) prior to sending the notification and I found that I needed to call CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync() before sending the notification.



Hi @maliming,

Version 8.5.0.

Here is the full class; I create a new list of Abp.UserIdentifier(tenant, userId) and there are values for the parameters being passed to PublishAsync.



    public class UserNotificationAppService : WizgodIncAppServiceBase, IUserNotificationAppService
        private readonly INotificationPublisher _notificationPublisher;
        private readonly IUserAppService _userAppService;
        private readonly ITimeSheetApproversAppService _timeSheetApproversAppService;
        public UserNotificationAppService(INotificationPublisher notificationPublisher,
            IUserAppService userAppService,
            ITimeSheetApproversAppService timeSheetApproversAppService)
            _notificationPublisher = notificationPublisher;
            _userAppService = userAppService;
            _timeSheetApproversAppService = timeSheetApproversAppService;

        public virtual async Task SendNotificationToApprovers(long fromUserId, string url, string message, string notificationName, int severity)
            var user = await _userAppService.GetUser(new EntityDto<long> {Id = fromUserId});

            if (!user.TimeSheetApproversId.HasValue) return;

            var timeSheetApprovers = 
                await _timeSheetApproversAppService.GetTimeSheetApprovers(
                    new EntityDto {Id = user.TimeSheetApproversId.Value});

            var approverIds = new List<long?> { timeSheetApprovers.ApproverId };

            if (timeSheetApprovers.FirstBackupApproverId.HasValue) approverIds.Add(timeSheetApprovers.FirstBackupApproverId.Value);
            if (timeSheetApprovers.SecondBackupApproverId.HasValue) approverIds.Add(timeSheetApprovers.SecondBackupApproverId.Value);

            var userIds = approverIds.Select(q => new Abp.UserIdentifier(2, q.Value)).ToArray();

            message = message.Replace("[Name]", user.Name)
                .Replace("[Surname]", user.Surname)
                .Replace("[EmployeeID]", user.EmployeeId);

            var data = new MessageNotificationData(message) {["url"] = url};

            await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(notificationName, data, null,(NotificationSeverity)severity, userIds);

        public virtual async Task SendNotificationToUser(long fromUserId, string url, string message, string notificationName, int notificationServerity, long userId)
            await SendNotificationToUsers(fromUserId, url, message, notificationName, notificationServerity, new[] { userId });

        public virtual async Task SendNotificationToUsers(long fromUserId, string url, string message, string notificationName, int severity, long[] userIds)
            var user = await UserManager.GetUserByIdAsync(fromUserId);

            var userIdentifiers = userIds.Select(q => new Abp.UserIdentifier(2, q)).ToArray();

            message = message.Replace("[Name]", user.Name)
                .Replace("[Surname]", user.Surname)
                .Replace("[EmployeeID]", user.EmployeeId);

            var data = new MessageNotificationData(message) {["url"] = url};

            await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(notificationName, data, severity: (NotificationSeverity)severity, userIds: userIdentifiers);

@ismcagdas, I've figured it out; it was an oversight on my part.

When I was migrating the users, I was setting the new NormalizedUserName column with UPPER(Name + ' ' + Surname) instead of UPPER(UserName).



Hi @ismcagdas,

Has that method changed for 8.5.0?

It's saying that _passwordHasher is not accessable because it's private.



Hi @ismcagdas,

Will do. I'll let you know in about 10 days; tied up till then.



Hi @ismcagdas,

I added that code and overrode the method in LogInManager.


var user = await UserManager.FindByNameOrEmailAsync(tenantId, userNameOrEmailAddress);

  • It can't find the user when userNameOrEmailAddress is the username; the value returns null (the correct tenantId is passed).
  • It does find the user if the email address is used.
  • If I switch back to loging in with the username after using the email address, it finds the user.

When it's null,it trys to create the object and the "Email is already taken" exception is thrown at:

await UserManager.CreateAsync(user);

Hi @ismcagdas,

Abp and Abp.* packages are v5.4.0 with Abp.AspNetZeroCore and Abp.AspNetZeroCore.Web being v2.0.0.

I found that I was able to log in with the email address and after that, I was able to log in normally with the username.

Is there something I can update so this isn't necessary?

Thanks very much @ismcagdas!

Hi @maliming,

I am using Castle.Core.Logging and injecting ILogger for the _ logger instance, is this correct?



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