Can you explain this? Actually I have repository class where am calling database SPs. so I want to call IDbPerTenantConnectionStringResolver Class from repository class in EnityFramework.
Or Do I have to inherit this class to my repository class ?
Basically I don't the way to make it fully multitenant. So many thing i am gussing trying.
Oh dont get Bothered...I have solved and get that option.
I have handled Side menu by permission but this seems critical to me. kindly help just as a hint
Do you want to specify a separate connection string based on the user? Yes a. Kindly guide me for separate connection string based on user. b. also guide me for separate connection string based on tenant.
Or may you take my remote connection for once?
? Kindly reply for above concern.
How to get User ID on angular?
My project Type : Asp.Net core + Angular [lates v . 70 ]
Hi Mr. Maliming,
Regarding block level progress bar given above, I am still not able to do it or its not coming.
May you please do for once for one report by taking remote.
I sent you my Teamviewer credentials on Email.