Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "xitix"

Need some change in default theme : 1. How to change text(foreground) color on hover of side menu? 2. How to change background color on hover of list side menu? 3. How to set custom icon to the side menu?

Refer Above image

Project Type : ASP.NET .Core + Angular 7 [Latest v.7.0]

My login page taking 20 to 30 Sec+ to load after hosting.

After publishing the project. We can only reload HOME screen else on all links when we reload page. it shows page not found error. refers screen shots. My Project Type : AspNet and Angualr [Lates v. 7.0 ]

Without Error :

Reload/Refresh Page :

After Refresh with error 404 :

See in GIF:

Kindly guide for "Remember me" setting, Right now it is not working on angular . [refer image below]

Project Type : core + Angular [latest v. 70 ]

default dashboard page : /app/main/dashboard

expected page as dashboar[default] : /app/main/assetdashboard

Based on users on I want to hide some admin content to them on Front End[Angular].

Kindly provide code.

My project Type : Asp.Net core + Angular [lates v . 70 ]

Hi, I have been struggling with datatable since one week. No success: Kindly assist me step by step to show my data with full datatable feature.

when I am using GET URL for json data source then datatable is working however when i am calling my .net core method then data never comes into datatable. here am pasting my basic code. kindly guid me for datatable feature.

**My TS FILE : **

import { Component, OnInit, Injector  } from '@angular/core';
import { appModuleAnimation } from '@shared/animations/routerTransition';
import { AppComponentBase } from '@shared/common/app-component-base';

**import { PersonServiceProxy, ZmzwDashboardDto } from '@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies';**

import { Router } from '@angular/router';

  templateUrl: './cqrdashboard.component.html',
  animations : [appModuleAnimation()]
export class CQRDashboardComponent  extends AppComponentBase implements OnInit {

  public zoneID: number = 0 
  public assetID: number = 0 
  public assetType: number = 0 
  public locationStatus: string = ''
  public serviceStatus: string = ''
  public status: string = ''
  public retailerID: number = 0
  public dNNUserID: number = 2
  public area: string = '0'
  public pageNumber: number = 1
  public pageSize: number = 100

**public cqrDashboardLogs : ZmzwDashboardDto[] = []; **

    injector : Injector,
    private _personService : PersonServiceProxy, 
    private router: Router
  ) { 
  ngOnInit() {
 getCqrDashboard_NG() : void{
    this._personService.getZMZWDashboard(this.zoneID, this.assetID, this.assetType, this.locationStatus, this.serviceStatus, this.status, this.retailerID, this.dNNUserID, this.area, this.pageNumber, this.pageSize)
      .subscribe((response) => {
     ** this.cqrDashboardLogs = response.items;**

    this.router.navigate(['/app/main/assetdashboard'], { queryParams: { AssetID: v.value } });


**HTML FILE : ** **O/P : ** Code working:

this.dtOptions = {
      pagingType: 'full_numbers',
      pageLength: 2,
      serverSide: true,
      processing: true,
      ajax: (dataTablesParameters: any, callback) => {
   **//Here when I am calling my .net core method then this is not working. kindly asist me as per your way**
            dataTablesParameters, {}
          ).subscribe(resp => {
            console.log('data table:',resp);
            that.persons =;

              recordsTotal: resp.recordsTotal,
              recordsFiltered: resp.recordsFiltered,
              data: []
      columns: [{ data: 'id' }, { data: 'firstName' }, { data: 'lastName' }]

we wan to create metronic datatable like shown in below Link, Nowhere we found documentation or demo code for below datatable.


Please share sample MapBox code for beginner HTML ,TYPE Script with Marker and Other Attribute

Kindly do the need ful,

Showing 21 to 30 of 38 entries