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Activities of "yachea"

FIXED (at my level) see below:

If you try to update any user by adding him to a specific OU (organisation Unit) it will add him to every OU you have.

1 - Create a couple of OU (with some hierarchies) 2- From the mobile assign a user to one OU and save it.

---> the user will be assigned to all the OU you have.

---------- FIXE :

private async Task SaveUser() { UserInput.User = Model.User; UserInput.AssignedRoleNames = Model.Roles.Where(x => x.IsAssigned).Select(x => x.RoleName).ToArray(); UserInput.OrganizationUnits = Model.OrganizationUnits.Where(x => x.IsAssigned).Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

Just add ".Where(x => x.IsAssigned)" filter to ligne shown upper.

NOTE : There is an issue for applying the hierarchy correctly though from mobile.

Selecting a parent OU doesn't select sub OUs automatically (where as the web version does it)


I tried this a couple of times , it crashes the app inevitably after (quick) successive multiple scrolls/refreshes of the users list .

1 - Start the mobile version for IOS (I didn't test with Android yet) (Any IPone version, I tried 7, 8 , 10) 2- Make sure to have enough users (I have 11) for the same Tenant (I use Default) 3- Open the main user list on your mobile either using IOS Simulator on an IPhone device
4 - As soon you scroll completely to the bottom down and get back up to the top of the list, things start to get messy. You have multiple "loading wheels" showing up at the same time. Plus if you continue "refreshing" the list successively (by dragging the list down with you thumb or mouse) the app ends up by crashing eventually.

After a new deployment the app is slightly more stable (so you have to try out a couple of quick scrolls/refreshes around 12~15 times or so)

After the first crash of the app, the subsequent tests will crash much more quickly (3~4 scrolls/refreshes )

Hint: I think it have to do with how RefreshUsersAsync() is called and the default PageSize of 10 witch doesn't seems to work correctly if your total number of user is more then 10. (11 in my case)

Thank for your advice,

I just downloaded latest version of project : ASP.NET CORE & Angular v4.0.0 and I tried to run it. (EF & Database update worked fine) But I am getting this error message when trying to run the Api host ?

" System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.' "

Swagger api web page never show up ?

Can you please advise how to make the project work ?


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