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Activities of "zyrel.sermon"


After upgrading to 9.1 we encounter this issue upon start of the application

Cannot read property 'currency' of undefined

upon checking the code

export function getCurrencyCode(injector: Injector): string {
    let appSessionService: AppSessionService = injector.get(AppSessionService);
    return appSessionService.application.currency;

the appSessionService.application returns undefined

are we missing an import? Please advise, thanks


Hi is Metronic Demo 1 the default theme in version 9.2?


Just wanted to confirm, thank you very much


after upgrading to 9.2 we're having issues after logging in as admin and it keep us logging out after logging in. Please advise,thanks


We're unable to disable a webhook subscription on anz 8.2, after clicking the disable button, it says disabled but after refreshing the page it goes back to enabled. Do you have a fix for this on version 8.2? or do we need to update our version of anz? Please advise thanks.

Hi musa.demir<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

it worked on a clean project, were using angular by the way, i'm still checking what causes the </span>ActivateWebhookSubscriptionAsync to fail. thanks


is there any docs or guide on how to implement webhook reciever on anz 8.2?



Hi @musa.demir,

sorry for the late response, i've already created a webhook receiver, thanks for the documenation that you've provided. is there any way for us to generate a webhook secret key on 8.2 and use it on the receiver?


ok got it, so here's the issue, we've created a webhook endpoint but it lacks security,we need this enpoint continously working without logging in, we could add a authtoken on headers but what if the token expires? is there any additional set of security needed in implementing webhooks besides secret key? please advise, thanks.


Hi @ismcagdas

im having issues using the secret key created on the maintenance page i did follow the check signature method but the signature doesn't match. Please advise.


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