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remove unncessary tables #10151

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BSFInternational created

Product Version: 9.3 product Type: ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery

We are deploy this application alone with other application using one single database approach, we are only using the translation. is it possible to remove the tables we don't need it i.e.

  1. chat,
  2. AbpFeatures(we don't use features yet, disable the chat as well)
  3. AbpNotification
  4. AbpNotificaitonSubscription
  5. ABpOrganization*
  6. AbpBackgroundJobs
  7. AbpDynamicEntityProperties
  8. etc

What is the bare minimal tables i need.

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @BSFInternational

    Chat tables come from AspNet Zero application and others are coming from AspNet Boilerplate Framework. You can delete Chat specific source code on your app and delete its tables.

    For the Framework tables, it is hard to delete them. If you want, you can fork the Framework and remove tables in it and then, you can replace NuGet packages with the local modified Framework. But, this will require huge amount of work.