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Query Hint with Interceptor #10169

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BigCDogCrew created

AspNetZero v8.4, Abp 5.5, Mvc/jQuery.


We have a query that suffers from parameter sniffing, where execution of the EF-generated query takes 10 seconds to return 1 row, but if you can convert it to T-SQL, it executes immediately. If I were to solve this problem using a Microsoft-centric mindset, I would add code similar to this link: Interceptors - EF Core | Microsoft Docs

var blogs1 = context.Blogs.TagWith("Use hint: recompile plan").ToList();

That EF statement would then generate SQL that looked like this: -- Use hint: robust plan

SELECT [b].[Id], [b].[Name] FROM [Blogs] AS [b] OPTION (RECOMPILE)

In the EF6 days, I used this same technique with success, and it looked like this: How to add OPTION RECOMPILE into Entity Framework - Stack Overflow

Is there a sample that you can point to where the ASP.NET Zero classes can enable per-context/per-statement query hint generation?

Thanks for any help.



I think you are trying to detect the cause of the problem. If so, you can inject IDbContextProvider and get the DbContext using this class and execute a method like you have shared in your email for including recompile plan.

If this is not for detecting the problem, then you can create a custom repository (  and place the same query in it.

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Is there a ready-made sample available somewhere that would show how to implement the EF Core Interceptor (TaggedQueryCommandInterceptor [ref:]) in an ABP repository? We have code that looks like this in an AppService:

private readonly IRepository&lt;OrganizationUnit, long> _organizationUnitRepository;

public async Task&lt;GetUserForEditOutput> GetUserForEdit(NullableIdDto&lt;long> input) { var allOrganizationUnits1 = await _organizationUnitRepository.GetAllListAsync(); … }

I would love to be able to specify the query hint on an individual query, based on our investigation into whether a specific query will need it or not. So the last statement would maybe look something like: var allOrganizationUnits1 = await _organizationUnitRepository.OptionRecompile().GetAllListAsync();

and the resulting query would use the EF interceptor to add the OPTION RECOMPILE SQL query hint.

Thanks again.

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    You should be able to do this with the current version. Have you tried something like this ?
