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ForeignKey references cause LEFT JOIN ON SELECT * #10386

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BigCDogCrew created

AspNetZero v8.4, Abp 5.5, Mvc/jQuery.

I noticed that any reference I make to a foreign key property causes the SQL query to use a SELECT * on the foreign key table...not just SELECT field.

This code...

	var parentId = 1;	
	var orgUnits =  _organizationUnitRepository
		.Where(e => e.Parent.Id == parentId)

Generates this SQL.... NOTE A: tenancy filters have been replaced for abbreviation. NOTE B: the first select * is expected, but the LEFT JOIN selection should have been only [a0].[Id]

SELECT [a].[Id], [a].[Code], [a].[CreationTime], [a].[CreatorUserId], [a].[DeleterUserId], [a].[DeletionTime], [a].[DisplayName], [a].[IsDeleted], [a].[LastModificationTime], [a].[LastModifierUserId], [a].[ParentId], [a].[TenantId]
FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [a]
    SELECT [a0].[Id], [a0].[Code], [a0].[CreationTime], [a0].[CreatorUserId], [a0].[DeleterUserId], [a0].[DeletionTime], [a0].[DisplayName], [a0].[IsDeleted], [a0].[LastModificationTime], [a0].[LastModifierUserId], [a0].[ParentId], [a0].[TenantId]
    FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [a0]
    WHERE (tenancyFilter2)
) AS [t1] ON [a].[ParentId] = [t1].[Id]
WHERE (tenancyFilter1) AND ([t1].[Id] = @__p_0)

Using LinqPad with EF 3.1.15

This code...

    AbpOrganizationUnits.Where(e => e.Parent.Id == 1).Select(x => x.Code)

Generates this SQL...

SELECT [t0].[Code]
FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [t0]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [t1] ON [t1].[Id] = [t0].[ParentId]
WHERE [t1].[Id] = @p0

So, where and why is AbpNetZero or Abp expanding the join selection to include all fields rather than using only the necessary fields?

I don't have any metrics on how this is affecting our performance. But, I assume it is substantial because it affects 99% of our queries.

BTW, I also tried this with a direct dbContext call with the same result.

  var parentId = 1;	
  var contextUnits = _dbContext.GetDbContext().OrganizationUnits
                .Where(e => e.Parent.Id == parentId)

5 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @BigCDogCrew

    Sorry for the late reply. As I can see, you are not selecting a specific with in your first query but you are selecting Code field in your LinqPad example. Could you alos try selecting specific fields in your first query ?

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    BigCDogCrew created

    Hi @ismcagdas,

    Thanks for your help.

    Adding a projection to the ANZ query to return only the DisplayName field...

    var parentId = 1;
    var orgUnits = _organizationUnitRepository
        .Where(e => e.Parent.Id == parentId)
        .Select(e => e.DisplayName)

    results in the following generated SQL...

    SELECT [a].[DisplayName]
    FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [a]
        SELECT [a0].[Id], [a0].[Code], [a0].[CreationTime], [a0].[CreatorUserId], [a0].[DeleterUserId], [a0].[DeletionTime], [a0].[DisplayName], [a0].[IsDeleted], [a0].[LastModificationTime], [a0].[LastModifierUserId], [a0].[ParentId], [a0].[TenantId]
        FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [a0]
        WHERE (tenancyFilter2)
    ) AS [t1] ON [a].[ParentId] = [t1].[Id]
    WHERE (tenancyFilter1) AND ([t1].[Id] = @__p_0)

    Omitting the projection from the LinqPad query, we use this statement....

     AbpOrganizationUnits.Where(e => e.Parent.Id == 1)

    And LinqPad generates the following SQL statement...

    SELECT [t0].[Id], [t0].[Code], [t0].[CreationTime], [t0].[CreatorUserId], [t0].[DeleterUserId], [t0].[DeletionTime], [t0].[DisplayName], [t0].[IsDeleted], [t0].[LastModificationTime], [t0].[LastModifierUserId], [t0].[ParentId], [t0].[TenantId]
    FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [t0]
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [t1] ON [t1].[Id] = [t0].[ParentId]
    WHERE [t1].[Id] = @p0
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    BigCDogCrew created

    I am going to make a guess at what is happening and why.

    The primary difference between the ANZ query and the LinqPad query is that ANZ applies the tenancy filters. That's the "why". Because ANZ needs to apply the tenancy filters, it has opted to use a nested subquery structure which provides the necessary additional WHERE clause.

    However, the nested subquery also requires a SELECT clause...which by default would be SELECT *. And that's the "what". ANZ doesn't know what fields to select in the subquery, so it's easier (and safer) just to select them all. That way, no matter which fields are requested by the outer query, those fields will be available.

    The ideal solution would be for ANZ to scan the outer query and identify the fields projected from the foreign key, and then include only those fields in the subquery SELECT clause. In the event the outer query does not reference any foregin key field, then the default behavior should be to include only the primary key field; as the primary key field will always be required by the JOIN clause.

    So, the original query which did not include any foreign key field (e.g. no Parent fields referenced in the projection) ....

    var parentId = 1;
    var orgUnits = _organizationUnitRepository
        .Where(e => e.Parent.Id == parentId)
        .Select(e => e.DisplayName)

    Should have produced the following code (note the Id field is the only subquery output)...

    SELECT [a].[DisplayName]
    FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [a]
        SELECT [a0].[Id]
        FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [a0]
        WHERE (tenancyFilter2)
    ) AS [t1] ON [a].[ParentId] = [t1].[Id]
    WHERE (tenancyFilter1) AND ([t1].[Id] = @__p_0)

    And when the query does specify a foreign key field, such as this....

                var parentId = 1;
                var orgUnits = _organizationUnitRepository
                    .Where(e => e.Parent.Id == parentId)
                    .Select(e => new { e.DisplayName, ParentDisplayName = e.Parent.DisplayName })

    Then ANZ should see that "Parent.DisplayName" while scanning the outer query and return only that field in addition to the primary key; like the following....

    SELECT [a].[DisplayName], [t1].[DisplayName] AS [ParentDisplayName]
    FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [a]
        SELECT [a0].[Id], [a0].[DisplayName]
        FROM [AbpOrganizationUnits] AS [a0]
        WHERE (tenancyFilter2)
    ) AS [t1] ON [a].[ParentId] = [t1].[Id]
    WHERE (tenancyFilter1) AND ([t1].[Id] = @__p_0)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @BigCDogCrew

    Could you create an issue on GitHub ( with your last comment ? We can work on this.

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    BigCDogCrew created

    Issue Added To GitHub