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Use stored procedures for multi-tenant specific database #11758

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kansoftware created

Currently our application is a multi tenant with single host database. But now we are switching to multi database i.e. tenant specific database. We were using stored procedures to perform task. I have a StoredProcedureCalling.cs class. So my doubt is, what changes are required to be made in my StoredProcedureCalling.cs for multi-database so that during execution it will use the tenant specific database.

Below is the definition of StoredProcedureCalling.cs

using Abp.Data; using Abp.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using CDP.EntityFrameworkCore.Repositories; using CDP.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Abp.Domain.Entities; using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace CDP.StoredProcedures { public class StoredProcedureCalling<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> : CDPRepositoryBase<TEntity, TPrimaryKey>, IStoredProcedureCalling<TEntity, TPrimaryKey> where TEntity : class, IEntity<TPrimaryKey> { private readonly IActiveTransactionProvider _transactionProvider;

    public StoredProcedureCalling(IDbContextProvider&lt;CDPDbContext&gt; dbContextProvider, IActiveTransactionProvider transactionProvider)
        : base(dbContextProvider)
        _transactionProvider = transactionProvider;

    public DbCommand CreateCommand(string commandText, CommandType commandType, params SqlParameter[] parameters)
        var command = Context.Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand();

        command.CommandText = commandText;
        command.CommandType = commandType;
        command.Transaction = GetActiveTransaction();

        foreach (var parameter in parameters)

        return command;

    public void EnsureConnectionOpen()
        var connection = Context.Database.GetDbConnection();

        if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

    public DbTransaction GetActiveTransaction()
        return (DbTransaction)_transactionProvider.GetActiveTransaction(new ActiveTransactionProviderArgs
            {"ContextType", typeof(CDPDbContext) },
            {"MultiTenancySide", MultiTenancySide }



And I have ActionItemAppService where I am calling the procedure

public class ActionItemsAppService : CDPAppServiceBase, IActionItemsAppService { private readonly IStoredProcedureCalling<Tenant, int> _storedProcedureCalling; public ActionItemsAppService(IDbContextProvider<CDPDbContext> dbContextProvider,IActiveTransactionProvider transactionProvider) { _storedProcedureCalling = new StoredProcedureCalling<Tenant, int>(dbContextProvider, transactionProvider); }

 public async Task&lt;List&lt;GetActionItemsForViewDto&gt;> GetAllActionItemsList(GetAllActionItemsInput input)

        List&lt;GetActionItemsForViewDto&gt; ActionItemList = new List&lt;GetActionItemsForViewDto&gt;();

        List&lt;IDataRecord&gt; outputPostDataReader = new List&lt;IDataRecord&gt;();

        SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[]
             new SqlParameter(){ Direction=ParameterDirection.Input, SqlDbType =SqlDbType.BigInt,ParameterName="@TenantID",Value=AbpSession.TenantId},


            using (var command = _storedProcedureCalling.CreateCommand("GetAllActionItems", CommandType.StoredProcedure, parameters))
                using (var dataReader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
                    if (dataReader.HasRows)
                        outputPostDataReader = dataReader.Cast&lt;IDataRecord&gt;().ToList();


                foreach (var user in outputPostDataReader)
                    var ActionItem = new GetActionItemsForViewDto
                        Id = user.GetInt64(user.GetOrdinal("Id")),
                        Title = user.GetString(user.GetOrdinal("Title")),

        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new UserFriendlyException(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace);

        return ActionItemList;


1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @kansoftware

    As far as I can see, you are not using any connection string. In this case, AspNet Zero will automatically get the correct connection string for the active tenant and create the DbContext and connection.

    So, it should work like this. Could you test it in a test database ?