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Why datetime filed automatically converted to Persian? #1499

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omital created

Hi, why all datetime fields in application service methods automatically converted to PersianDateTime and then return to client?

2 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Abp converts a datetime to local datetime if you use LocalClockProvider as Clock.Provider. I think this is probably the your case. Can you check the value of Clock.Provider ?

    You can use UtcClockProvider but in that case, all datetimes will be stored in UTC in database and will be sent to client in UTC.

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    omital created

    I checked it in one of the application service's method. It was {Abp.Timing.UnspecifiedClockProvider}. then I try to

    Clock.Provider = new UtcClockProvider();

    in PreInitialize method of WebModule, EntityFramework and Core module, but nothing happen.