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Sometimes I get a JSON response when I login #1804

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alukaszewski created

Sometimes, not always, when I login to my ASPNETZERO app, I get returned a .json file instead of the Home/Index page. This is the contents of the .json file;

{ "targetUrl": "/Application/Index", "success": true, "result": null, "error": null, "unAuthorizedRequest": false }

Why does this happen? It might be that this sometimes only happens after I have re-published the web app - is it that the app is not ready yet?

Thanks, Andy

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    I'm not sure but this might happen when not all javascript files are loaded. Maybe you can check Chrome's developer console for javascript errors for the next time. You can select "Preserve logs" checkbox to catch the error if there are any.