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Varying Processes #1832

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kroe created

I've been tasked to research multi tenancy frameworks. This is my first day and my first post. To what extent can an instance of application be used when the process and flow between clients differ? For example, for some of our customer the process begins on their side of the web and passes information to our page to initiate a transaction. Other time, the flow start within our system and we call their web API to retrieve information. There are difference but for now my question is whether this is possible to handle with a multi-tenant framework such that we aren't recreating a new application for _every_client?

I hope I've been able to state the question in a way someone can understand and help shed light on my ignorance.

Thanks in advance for you responses.

2 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team

    I don't know all details of your requirements, but...

    "my question is whether this is possible to handle with a multi-tenant framework such that we aren't recreating a new application for every client"

    This is the main purpose of a multi-tenant application. You have single application, single deployment and (probably) single database but every tenant/customer has it's own data space and settings.

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    kroe created

    Thank you for the response. I will start digging deeper into the solution.