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Problem in Get Permission List #2178

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razieh69 created

hi, i want to get all parent permissions with childs to create permission tree by jstree.

this is my code in permissionAppService:

public virtual List<PermissionListDto> GetAllPermissionList()
 var permissions = _permissionManager.GetAllPermissions(true).Where(a=>a.Parent==null).ToList();
            return permissions.MapTo<List<PermissionListDto>>();

and my PermissionListDto:

    public class PermissionListDto 
        public virtual ICollection<PermissionListDto> Children { get; }
        public virtual string Description { get; set; }
       public virtual string DisplayName { get; set; }
        public virtual string Name { get; set; }

        public virtual string Text { get; set; }

        public virtual PermissionListDto Parent { get; set; }

but when i call my function in javacsript, i get this error in browser console:

There is an action GetAllPermissionList defined for api controller app/permission but with a different HTTP Verb. Request verb is GET. It should be Post

i think that, automap from IReadonlylist to ICollection (for childrens) is the problem, but i dont khnow how to solve it. please help me, :cry:

4 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    According to error message your making a GET reuqest. You should make a POST request.

    How do you call this GetAllPermissionList from client side ?

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    razieh69 created

    hi and thank you for reply. i solve this error.

    but i have another problem. in PermissionAppService i want to load only parent permissions with childrens of this parents.

    and i write this code:

    var permissions = _permissionManager.GetAllPermissions(true).Where(a=>a.Parent==null).ToList();

    when i write this where condition, only parent permissions returned, but childrens of parent permissions are null and does not load. and when i remove where condition,all parents and childerens are load together and my program display incorrect tree. how can i solve this problem?

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    You can get all permissions and parent permissions like this.

    var permissions = PermissionManager.GetAllPermissions();
    var rootPermissions = permissions.Where(p => p.Parent == null);

    Then you can fill child permissions using a recursive method like this.

    foreach (var rootPermission in rootPermissions)
        AddChildPermission(rootPermission, permissions);
    void AddChildPermission(...)
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    asrar created


    In AddChildPermission when you say fill children do you mean rootPermission.CreateChildPermission or something else? Am sorry having a hard time trying to populate the children. This is what i have so far:

    public List<PermissionListDto> GetPermissions()
                var permissions = PermissionManager.GetAllPermissions();
                var rootPermissions = permissions.Where(p => p.Parent == null);
                foreach (var rootPermission in rootPermissions)
                    AddChildPermission(rootPermission, permissions);
                List<PermissionListDto> retValue = rootPermissions.MapTo<List<PermissionListDto>>();
                return retValue;
            private void AddChildPermission(Permission rootPermission, IReadOnlyList<Permission> permissions)
                foreach(var child in rootPermission.Children)
    //dont know what to do in here