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When two web applications running in the same server #2262

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vanlin created

Hello! I have two web applications using ABP framework deployed in the same server. Both of them are using StateServer for session. Now when one of them is logged in, the other one gets an error --Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Empty or invalid anti forgery header token.) And if i log in the second one, the first one will get the same error. Do you have any solution?

3 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Do you have different addresses for your websites or do they share the same address ? Does this happens only in Internet Explorer or does it happens in all browsers ?

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    vanlin created

    Hello! They share the same address. And it happens in any browsers. And now I give them different cookie names in the web.config file, but the same problem! I found that they share the same XSRF-TOKEN. Maybe that is where the problem is.

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    hikalkan created
    Support Team

    I don't know why you are running same application twice in the same server, but this can easily cause to such problems (since they share cookies). Even you change XSRF-TOKEN name, you will have problems with other cookies. So, I don't suggest you to do that.