Base solution for your next web application
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I am the user I purchased today. #2488

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peterlee created

I am the user I purchased today.

I started the installation by referring to the documentation.

  1. Activate the project after downloading ASP.NET MVC 5.x & Angularjs 1.x

  2. Right click the .Web project and select "Set as StartUp project"

  3. Build Error

-> declare var event: Event; Event identifier duplicate error (lib.d.ts)

-> interface IAbpSession {

Readonly userId ?: number;

Readonly tenantId ?: number;

Readonly impersonatorUserId ?: number;

Readonly impersonatorTenantId ?: number;

ReadOnly multiTenancySide: multiTenancy.sides;


Error signing required (requires TS1131 TypeScript attribute or signature)

This partial error prevents the database installation from proceeding.

First use mvc 5 model.

We want to develop into a great solution. Detailed map

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