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Roadmap: Subscription Management #2682

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OutdoorEd created

Do you have a timeline for adding the Subscription Management feature you listed in the roadmap? I need to manage the number of Active Users in a Subscription and am developing an application to be released in May. I have built my own Active User/Subscription and Length of Subscription implementation but might pull that out depending on when this feature will be added and if it will cover these two scenarios:

StartDate & EndDate of Subscription Limit Number of Active Users: a 5 User Subscription allows you to create 5 Active Users and any number of Inactive Users. You can turn off an active user and the turn on an inactive user

3 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    We don't have a plan for this but if you are going to release your project şn May, it is better to develop it by yourself because our version will not be ready in May.

    But we will be very happy to hear your needs for subscription management, it might help us to develop that future.


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    OutdoorEd created

    Thanks. Here are the features I am looking for with Subscription Management for Tenants

    1. Integrate with Editions Feature so the Subscription is tied to an Edition.
    2. Create a SubscriptionStartDate and SubscriptionEndDate for the Subscription.
    3. All Tenant Logins are filtered by the SubscriptionStartDate and SubscriptionEndDate. If the login attempt is outside of those dates, the user is redirected to a SubscriptionExpired page.
    4. Each Subscription includes an ActiveUserCount. The Tenant Admin can create as many users as they want. When they create a user that user is set as either Active or Inactive. Only Active Users are permitted to Login. The number of Active Users permitted is managed by the ActiveUserCount. When the Admin has reached that limit, they can no longer make a user active. If they change an Active User to Inactive, they free up a space to make a different user active.

    For example, the Tenant purchased a 5 User License so the ActiveUserCount = 5. The Admin can add 10 users and set 5 as active. Only those 5 can login. In order to allow the 6th user to login, the Admin must make one of the 5 currently active users inactive and then the 6th user can be set as active. This allows for flexibility in the license. Also it allows for more streamlined user provisioning since the users can all be added at the same time and then easily turned on or off through an editable grid interface.

    1. A Notification System would be connected to the SubscriptionEndDate to send an email reminder to the Tenant Admin when the Subscription was going to expire (ex. 30 days out from the SubscriptionEndDate)

    2. The SuperAdmin Management Interface would include an editable grid showing all Tenants with SubscriptionStartDate, SubscriptionEndDate, ActiveUserCount and CountofUsersCurrentlyActive

    For 2, 3 and 4 if Subscription was set as implemented, the Create Tenant Form would include SubscriptionStartDate, SubscriptionEndDate and ActiveUserCount. These would typically <ins>only</ins> be used by the SuperAdmin in the initial provisioning of a new Tenant and would not be accessible to the individual Tenant Admins.

    Let me know if this adequately explains how I would need Subscription Management implemented.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Thanks @OutdoorEd for your feedback :). But I think feature will be started after May of this year and we don't have an exact start date yet. So I suggest you to do it by yourself in this circumstances.

    Thanks again for your valuable ideas.