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AppService' is waiting for the following dependencies #3741

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bcaa4567 created

Hi all,

I am getting the following when I am trying to run my own unit test.

I have been able to run all the other unit tests that come with the project. It just failed to run for my own.

I had checked the following:

  1. my xxxAppService class is public in the Application project
  2. all my entities declarations are public in the Core project.
  3. I can run update-database to create tables in the SQL database.
  4. I can see my service in the swagger. But not able to call it, it display internal server error. and it won't even hit the break point in the service constructor. ( I guess it has the same error as the unit test)

I run out of idea to try. Anything will help!



xxxAppService' is waiting for the following dependencies:

  • Service 'Abp.Domain.Repositories.IRepository`1[[, xxx.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' which was not registered. ....

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    bcaa4567 created

    got it. I forget to add the child entity in the DbContext. Hope it helps other person as well.

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    alirizaadiyahsi created

    Thanks for feedback.