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Publish Client and server separately #3802

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omkarchoudhari created

Please also let us know how we can publish client and server separately (Local IIS or Azure) and what configuration changes are to be made in order to achieve this ? We are using ASPNET Core and Angular2 template. Does the single web application work both as client and server ? or if separate , do we need to publish them separately ,and if so , how ?

3 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @omkarchoudhari,

    They can be published together or seperately. Did you downloaded merged solution or not ? If it is merged solution, then you need to publish it together, you just need to publis on visual studio and use output like any other ASP.NET website.

    If it is not merged, you can publish host project just like any other ASP.NET website and publish angular app using "ng build --prod" command and use it's output as your client website.


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    omkarchoudhari created

    Hi, thanks for the reply ! We are using merged solution, and tried publishing by the same way that you have suggested. However; after hitting the URL, it shows error - "An error has occurred! Error detail not sent by server."

    Can you please help us on this?

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @omkarchoudhari,

    You can check error details on Logs.txt to understand what is wrong. If you haven't configured your published application, you should configure it first. There are two files appsettings.json and wwwroot/assets/appconfig.json which you need to configure.