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Error in Test - Simple DDL table #4108

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[email protected] created

This table is not referenced in any other table

 Test_AddUsersToOrganizationUnit [0:00.001] Failed: System.InvalidOperationException : The property 'Id' on entity type 'SelectItemValue' has a temporary value while attempting to change the entity's state to 'Unchanged'. Either set a permanent value explicitly or ensure that the database is configured to generate values for this property.

System.InvalidOperationException : The property 'Id' on entity type 'SelectItemValue' has a temporary value while attempting to change the entity's state to 'Unchanged'. Either set a permanent value explicitly or ensure that the database is configured to generate values for this property. at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.InternalEntityEntry.SetEntityState(EntityState oldState, EntityState newState, Boolean acceptChanges) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.InternalEntityEntry.SetEntityState(EntityState entityState, Boolean acceptChanges, Boolean forceStateWhenUnknownKey) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.InternalEntityEntry.AcceptChanges() at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.AcceptAllChanges(IEnumerable1 changedEntries) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext.SaveChanges(Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess) at Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.AbpDbContext.SaveChanges() in D:\Github\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp.EntityFrameworkCore\EntityFrameworkCore\AbpDbContext.cs:line 199 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Migrations.Seed.Host.DefaultSelectItemValuesCreator.AddValueIfNotExists(SelectItemValue value) in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\src\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore\Migrations\Seed\Host\DefaultSelectItemValues.cs:line 103 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Migrations.Seed.Host.DefaultSelectItemValuesCreator.CreateValues() in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\src\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore\Migrations\Seed\Host\DefaultSelectItemValues.cs:line 90 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Migrations.Seed.Host.DefaultSelectItemValuesCreator.Create() in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\src\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore\Migrations\Seed\Host\DefaultSelectItemValues.cs:line 83 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Migrations.Seed.Host.InitialHostDbBuilder.Create() in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\src\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore\Migrations\Seed\Host\InitialHostDbBuilder.cs:line 20 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Migrations.Seed.SeedHelper.SeedHostDb(FuriosotoroDbContext context) in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\src\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore\Migrations\Seed\SeedHelper.cs:line 26 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Migrations.Seed.SeedHelper.WithDbContext[TDbContext](IIocResolver iocResolver, Action1 contextAction) in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\src\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore\Migrations\Seed\SeedHelper.cs:line 42 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Migrations.Seed.SeedHelper.SeedHostDb(IIocResolver iocResolver) in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\src\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore\Migrations\Seed\SeedHelper.cs:line 18 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore.FuriosotoroEntityFrameworkCoreModule.PostInitialize() in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\src\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore\EntityFrameworkCore\FuriosotoroEntityFrameworkCoreModule.cs:line 49 at System.Collections.Generic.List1.ForEach(Action1 action) at Abp.AbpBootstrapper.Initialize() in D:\Github\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\AbpBootstrapper.cs:line 152 at Abp.TestBase.AbpIntegratedTestBase`1.InitializeAbp() in D:\Github\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp.TestBase\TestBase\AbpIntegratedTestBase.cs:line 47 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Tests.AppTestBase..ctor() in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\test\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Tests\AppTestBase.cs:line 27 at Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Tests.Organizations.OrganizationUnitAppService_Tests..ctor() in C:\Users\julian\Source\Repos\Furiosotoro\Furiosotoro\test\Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Tests\Organizations\OrganizationUnitAppService_Tests.cs:line 19

I have create this entity using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;

using Abp.Domain.Entities;

namespace Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Configuration { [Table("SelectItemValue")] public class SelectItemValue : Entity

    public virtual string Category { get; set; }

    public virtual string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual string Value { get; set; }

    public virtual int Order { get; set; }


6 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    aaron created
    Support Team

    Can you show the relevant methods? Especially: Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Migrations.Seed.Host.DefaultSelectItemValuesCreator.AddValueIfNotExists(SelectItemValue value).

  • User Avatar
    [email protected] created


    You pointed my in the right direction.


    I fixed the test errors by setting the id to a value - but why should this be required as the field in an identity and therefore auto incremented, won't this now break the seed step as part on database update?

    static DefaultSelectItemValuesCreator()
            InitialValues = new List<SelectItemValue>
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 1,
                    Name = "NSW",
                    Order = 1,
                    Value = "NSW",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 2,
                    Name = "VIC",
                    Order = 2,
                    Value = "VIC",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 3,
                    Name = "WA",
                    Order = 4,
                    Value = "WA",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 4,
                    Name = "NT",
                    Order = 5,
                    Value = "NT",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 5,
                    Name = "SA",
                    Order = 6,
                    Value = "SA",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 6,
                    Name = "TAS",
                    Order = 7,
                    Value = "TAS",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 7,
                Name = "QLD",
                Order = 3,
                Value = "QLD",
                Category = "State"
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @[email protected],

    You are right, there shouldn't be a need to set Id properties. Can you share your seed code ?


  • User Avatar
    [email protected] created

    using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Abp.Application.Features; using Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Configuration; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Editions; using Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.EntityFrameworkCore; using Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Features;

    namespace Furiosotoro.Furiosotoro.Migrations.Seed.Host { public class DefaultSelectItemValuesCreator { public static List<SelectItemValue> InitialValues { get; private set; }

        private readonly FuriosotoroDbContext _context;
        static DefaultSelectItemValuesCreator()
            InitialValues = new List&lt;SelectItemValue&gt;
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 1,
                    Name = "NSW",
                    Order = 1,
                    Value = "NSW",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 2,
                    Name = "VIC",
                    Order = 2,
                    Value = "VIC",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 3,
                    Name = "WA",
                    Order = 4,
                    Value = "WA",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 4,
                    Name = "NT",
                    Order = 5,
                    Value = "NT",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 5,
                    Name = "SA",
                    Order = 6,
                    Value = "SA",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 6,
                    Name = "TAS",
                    Order = 7,
                    Value = "TAS",
                    Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 7,
                Name = "QLD",
                Order = 3,
                Value = "QLD",
                Category = "State"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 8,
                    Name = "DL1",
                    Order = 1,
                    Value = "DL1",
                    Category = "DownloadUpload"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 8,
                    Name = "DL2",
                    Order = 2,
                    Value = "DL2",
                    Category = "DownloadUpload"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 9,
                    Name = "R1",
                    Order = 2,
                    Value = "R1",
                    Category = "Repository"
                new SelectItemValue
                    Id = 10,
                    Name = "R2",
                    Order = 3,
                    Value = "R2",
                    Category = "Repository"
        public DefaultSelectItemValuesCreator(FuriosotoroDbContext context)
            _context = context;
        public void Create()
        private void CreateValues()
            foreach (var value in InitialValues)
        private void AddValueIfNotExists(SelectItemValue value)
            if (_context.SelectItemValues.Any(l => l.Name == value.Name))


  • User Avatar
    aaron created
    Support Team

    Can you try if return new List<> works, instead of holding on to instance variables created in a static constructor?

    public static List<SelectItemValue> InitialValues => GetInitialValues();
    private static List<SelectItemValue> GetInitialValues()
        return new List<SelectItemValue>
            // ...
  • User Avatar
    [email protected] created


    I change the seed to create the list like this public static List<SelectItemValue> InitialValues => GetInitialValues();

        private readonly FuriosotoroDbContext _context;
        private static List&lt;SelectItemValue&gt; GetInitialValues()
            return new List&lt;SelectItemValue&gt;

    .... } } and all the tests are now working

    thanks you :D