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Question about the new license code #4868

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bilalhaidar created

Hello, Is there a place to explain more about the new license checking in the 5.x version? What are the rules that shouldn't be violated, etc.

For instance, one of the things I read is about developer count. If I have my code over 2 machines one at home and one at the office, does that count as 2 developers or 1?

Thank you Bilal

2 Answer(s)
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    yekalkan created

    Developer count and project name are checked.

    For instance, one of the things I read is about developer count. If I have my code over 2 machines one at home and one at the office, does that count as 2 developers or 1?

    Yes, it counts as 2. But we have a fair tolerance and you won't have any problem even if all your developers use more than one machine.

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    bilalhaidar created

    Thanks a lot.