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Multi tenant subdomain issue when hosting in a sub-website #4947

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ubiquo created

Hi, I was having trouble to login into a tenant using a subdomain as I mentioned in this post []).

My settings look like this

"remoteServiceBaseUrl": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}",
"appBaseUrl": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}"
"ServerRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}",
"ClientRootAddress": "http://{TENANCY_NAME}"

Host and Angular are sub-website in IIS.

Apparently in the DomainTenantResolveContributor there is a problem matching the host in the request headers and the multitenancy domain format (which is the ServerRootAddress), and because of that I was only able to login with the host users.

var hostName = httpContext.Request.Host.Host.RemovePreFix("http://", "https://");
var domainFormat = _multiTenancyConfiguration.DomainFormat.RemovePreFix("http://", "https://").Split(':')[0];
var result = new FormattedStringValueExtracter().Extract(hostName, domainFormat, true);

if (!result.IsMatch)
    return null;

var tenancyName = result.Matches[0].Value;
if (tenancyName.IsNullOrEmpty())
   return null;

If I remove the sub-website from ServerRootAddress "http://{TENANCY_NAME}" I'm able to login into any tenant, but I'm not sure if this is the right way to do it.

Is there any problem if I leave the ServerRootAddress without the sub-website?

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @ubiquo,

    You can remove the sub address for your host website for now. It shouldn't cause any problems. It will be fixed in this issue <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ssues/3254</a>.