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Localization keys not found #5717

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ProjectIridium created

Hi, I'm on a fresh new downloaded build of AspNetZero and I want to add my first localized strings

In my Core.Localization.Opoerations.Operations.xml file I have added these to the end ... ...

<text name="ThereIsNoSuchImageFileWithGivenToken">There is no image with given token</text>
<text name="Partner">Partner</text>
<text name="Vendor">Vendor</text>

</texts> </localizationDictionary>

I'm adding a menu item in AppNavicationPRovider using L("Partners").

The UI is showing "[Partner]" with the brackets and I see this in the log ...

WARN 2018-10-04 09:49:32,206 [13 ] naries.DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource - Can not find 'Partners' in localization source 'Operations'! WARN 2018-10-04 09:49:32,207 [13 ] naries.DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource - Can not find 'Vendors' in localization source 'Operations'!

I'm on Core MVC & jQuery, .NET Core 2.1

Are there any steps to do on a fresh install? I have made very few changes.

Do I need to do this on the UI as well?

My AbpLanguagesTexts table is empty.

I tried setting the build action to Embedded Resource and now I get: error NETSDK1022: Duplicate 'EmbeddedResource' items were included. The .NET SDK includes 'EmbeddedResource' items from your project directory by default.

Thanks --Andy

1 Answer(s)
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    ProjectIridium created

    Well, this is embarrassing, I used "Partners" instead of "Partner", so now it works. Please ignore me.

    (I got past my resource error by editting the .csproj file and removing the explicit resource) Thanks --Andy