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GetScripts #5920

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gconey created


Could you tell me where/how GetScripts is called in the Angular 2+ version? This builds the dynamic Abp scripts for front-end localization, etc. I need to do something similar. I know that in other versions of the Framework it is called in Layout.cshtml but I can't find where it is called in the Angular 2+ version. Thanks.


2 Answer(s)
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    gconey created

    I found the answer myself. The Angular 2+ version of the f/w doesn't call GetScripts instead it makes a call to AbpUserConfiguration/GetAll in getUserConfiguration in AppPreBootstrap.ts I'm not sure quite why you do it like that though? Would be interested in a bit of an explanation of how this part of the f/w works. Thanks.

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    alper created
    Support Team

    swagger generates proxies for angular.