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Benefits of Module system compared to Nuget packages, simple class libraries #6397

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mightyit created

I am trying to understand the reasoning behind the module system, and under which circumstances it would be beneficial to implement it over other standard options such as class libraries and Nuget packages (that is not clear from the official documentation).

Specifically when contrasted to class libraries and Nuget packages, I am trying to understand it's distinct value proposition.

  1. Which distinct benefits do I gain when I create and implement an ABP module, as opposed to a class library or Nuget package?
  2. Under which circumstances would it beneficial to create an ABP module as opposed to a normal class library or Nuget package

In other words, why use the module system, rather than just creating a Nuget package?

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @mightyit

    ABP's Modules provide lifecycle methods. Also, you can define dependencies between modules and you can use your modules as Plugins.

    ABP automatically register classes of a module to dependency injection automatically.

    Of course, all of these might be achieved if you create a nuget package but ABP provides a standard way of doing it.