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Register recurrent Jobs in PostInitialize method #6476

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firnas created


I have a to register a hangfire recurrent job in the PostInitialize method in the module. The job class constructor should be resolved by dependancy injection. I have used the following code to register the reccurent job in the module.

JobStorage.Current = new SqlServerStorage(_appConfiguration.GetConnectionString("Default")); RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<ISendNotificationJob>(x => x.SendDeviceUnlockNotification(), Cron.MinuteInterval(10));

How ever when the SendDeviceUnlockNotification method is called it throws a object disposed exception. Can anyone please help me on this.

public SendNotificationJob(IRepository&lt;Payment> paymentRepository

, IPasstimeDomainService passtimeDomainService , IAppCentre appCentre , UserManager userManager) { _paymentRepository = paymentRepository; _passtimeDomainService = passtimeDomainService; _appCentre = appCentre; _userManager = userManager;


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