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Feature Request: page Linked Account - Sort by Tenant\Username instead of Username #6716

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mobility created

Hi folks

for testing different szenarios we had to create many tenants with some accounts each. To make life easier, I use the linked account feature to switch user accounts.

unfortunately the sort feature is kind of wired.

if you have a large list (e.g. more than 5 or 10) linked accounts it's getting confusing, because the sort ignores the tenant name. The table gets sorted by account name but the field is displayed as tenant name\account name.

so the accounts of one tenant are spread across the rows as shown in this (anonymized) example :

h-tenant1\achim s-tenant1\admin h-tenant2\admin h-tenant3\admin h-tenant1\admin s-tenant1\federico s-tenant1\j. h-tenant2\ma h-tenant1\sabrina h-tenant2\sf s-tenant1\sy h-tenant2\tb h-tenant2\ur

this sort order makes it difficult to find the account of a specific tenant, e.g. h-tenant3\admin.

I would expect a list like this:

h-tenant1\achim h-tenant1\admin h-tenant1\sabrina h-tenant2\admin h-tenant2\ma h-tenant2\sf h-tenant2\tb h-tenant2\ur h-tenant3\admin s-tenant1\admin s-tenant1\federico s-tenant1\j. s-tenant1\sy

Could you please fix this sort behaviour so the list gets sorted by (tenant\account) ?

We could implement this by ourself but I think this is a general feature so everyone should benefit

thanks kai

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