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Disable SoftDelete filter for include #7486

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p.j.keukens created


I have a question. In my code we are getting a list of tenants (without the deleted tenants) but we want to include the user that owns the tenant and we want to include it even if it is deleted.

so basically we are doing this:

var query = TenantManager.Tenants .Include(t => t.Edition) .Include(t => t.TenantOwnerUser)

so I want to disable the softdelete filter but only for the include of TenantOwnerUser.

Is this possible and if so how would I do that?

1 Answer(s)
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    maliming created
    Support Team

    It seems that navigation properties are not supported to disable filters individually.

    You can disable the soft delete filter throughout the query and then manually use Where(x => x.IsDeleted == true).