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invoicing: what about taxation / taxing? #8624

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alexanderpilhar created

8.2.1, Angular, .Net Core

This is a general question about selling a product / service built with ASPNETZERO and the implications when it comes to invoicing and taxation / taxing.

Let's assume the following:

  • company's home is a country in the European Union (EU)
  • product / service will be available international
  • product / service will be available for B2B and B2C

Invoicing and taxation / taxing is depending on:

  • Where the tenant is from (same country / member of the EU / outside EU)
  • The type of tenant (B2B / B2C)

As far as I see, there is no built-in way in ASPNETZERO to handle this scenario yet. So, how do you do it?

2 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @alexanderpilhar

    You are right, AspNet Zero doesn't provide a solution to taxation out of the box. You have to implement it yourself.

    Basically, I would do it like this.

    1. Create Location table which will contain Name of Location and tax rate.
    2. During purcahse, ask tenant to select a location (or detect it by IP address).
    3. Add a TaxRate field to tenant and fill it with the TaxRate of selected Location of Tenant.
    4. Add Tax price to final amount.

    Just note that this is a very breif explanation. I'm sure there will be some challanges :)

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    alexanderpilhar created

    Hi @ismcagdas and thank you for your answer!

    Yes, I'm already working on an implementation - I was just wondering if people where using other solutions for taxation ... maybe PayPal or Stripe offer something that is easy to use!?

    Anyway, closing this now!