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Arrow Functions - IE incompatibility #8627

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dmux created


I can see #6250 which addresses arrow functions in the MVC project causing IE11 compatibility issues. It looks like some more arrow functions have crept in since that time.

I am using ASP Core MVC Project v8.0.

I see the "EntityHistory" arrow functions (which the PR was fixing) all through the RAD-generated code. I found they were in the PartialTemplates.txt file so I have updated the template files and will test, but the RAD Tool probably should be updated for this

I am also getting a syntax error from IE for an arrow function in customizable-dashboard-libs.min.js (36,39):

        timer = setTimeout(() => {
        }, delay);

and chat.signalr.js (42,30):

            .then(() => {
                reconnectTime = 5000;
                tries = 1;

Please advise how to refactor these to not use arrow functions.

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    ryancyq created
    Support Team

    Hi @dmux, Thanks for reporting it. We will provide a fix soon

  • User Avatar
    ryancyq created
    Support Team

    @dmux, are you using ANZ prior to v8.2?

    This was fixed in 8.2 , see