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Custom html for UserFriendlyException #9475

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ips-jm created

Hello, I currently want to implement a feature, where you can create a support ticket, when an errorException occurs. For the errorhandling I'm using throw Abp.Ui.UserfriendlyException() in the backend. I tried finding the files for the html of the error message but wasn't successful (found the error.schtml one but you can't really change something there). I need to include a java script code to that exception message. Is that possible?

I would be very thankful for some advises?!

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @ips-jm

    That's not possible. I suggest you to throw a UserFriendlyException with a specific error code and check this error code on the cshtml file. Then, you can run any javascript code you want accordingly.