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Recieving Webhook Event redirected to login. #9862

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GarethWright created


If issue related with ABP Framework


I'm trying to integrate with GoCardless to add Direct Debit Payments for memberships. They sent a webhook when payments are complete and I need to add the following to a controller to process that event.

        public async Task<StatusCodeResult> WebhookEvent()
    var requestBody = HttpContext.Request.Body;
    requestBody.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
    var requestJson = new StreamReader(requestBody).ReadToEnd();

    // We recommend storing your webhook endpoint secret in an environment variable
    // for security
    var secret = AppConsts.GoCardlesssSandBoxToken;
    var signature = Request.Headers["Webhook-Signature"];

        // Webhooks can contain many events. In a real implementation, you should handle
        // the processing of each event asychronously to avoid timing out here.
        // You could check whether you've processed the event before (by recording the event
        // ID when you process it) and retrieve the associated resource to ensure that you have
        // the most up-to-date information about it.
        foreach (GoCardless.Resources.Event whevent in WebhookParser.Parse(requestJson, secret, signature))
            // To keep this example simple, we're only handling Mandate events
            if (whevent.ResourceType == GoCardless.Resources.EventResourceType.Mandates)
                switch (whevent.Action)
                    case "created":
                        Console.WriteLine($"Mandate {whevent.Links.Mandate} has been created, yay!");
                    case "cancelled":
                        Console.WriteLine($"Oh no, mandate {whevent.Links.Mandate} was cancelled!");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{whevent.Links.Mandate} has been {whevent.Action}");
                Console.WriteLine($"No method to handle {whevent.ResourceType} events yet");

        return new StatusCodeResult((int)HttpStatusCode.OK);

    catch (InvalidSignatureException e)
        return new BadRequestResult();

I've added to the MVC controller but I keep getting 302 redirected to login page. I can't figure out why as I've added the [AllowAnonymous] Attribute. I've also tried the [abpAllowAnonymous] attribute with no success.

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    musa.demir created

    Hi @GarethWright

    Can you please add that ActionResults to one your controller and request them without login to application.

    public async Task<IActionResult> Test1()
        return Content("Test1");
    public async Task<IActionResult> Test2()
        return Content("Test2");

    You should be able to get "Test1" response, but test2 should redirect you to login page. Can you please check that

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    GarethWright created

    I couldn't get it to work. Ended up creating a public facing unauthenticated controller to handle incoming webhooks.