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Compile error on cache get function #9887

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fawad29 created
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I am upgrading from version to version The code mentioned in the image below works fine on version 8, however I am getting compile time error on version 10. Has something changed on cache retrieval mechanism? I am passing a dto.

The code is the same, as I have copied and pasted the complete file.

Version 8 - Works fine

Version 10 - Compile error

I see from change logs on GitHub that methods belonging to CacheExtensions had been removed in March. What should be the alternative in my case, as I need to pass dto to my function?

Please see below the code which works fine on version 8, I need to convert this so that it works fine on version 10, please provide guidance or example code.

public async Task<List<AccommodationTypesListDto>> GetAll(GetFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto getFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto)
    var cacheName = _nebulaCacheManager.GetTenantCacheName(_accommodationTypeCache.CacheName);

    var accommodationType = await _cacheManager
     .Get(getFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto, () => GetAllFromDB(getFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto));

    return ObjectMapper.Map<List<AccommodationTypesListDto>>(accommodationType.OrderBy(getFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto.Sorting));


private async Task<List<AccommodationTypesListDto>> GetAllFromDB(GetFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto getFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto)

var accommodationTypes = await (from accommodationType in _accommodationTypeRepository.GetAll()
                            .Where(a => a.MyField1 = getFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto.MyField1 &&
                            a.MyField2 = getFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto.MyField2)

               select new AccommodationTypesListDto
                   Id = accommodationType.Id,
                   Text = accommodationType.Text,
                   DisplayOrder = accommodationType.DisplayOrder,
                   TenantId = accommodationType.TenantId

return accommodationTypes;


Can you help with example code please?

2 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    You should use AsTyped after the GetCache call. Similar to usage below;

    return _cacheManager
            .AsTyped<string, AccommodationTypesListDto>()
            .Get(getFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto, () => GetAllFromDB(getFilteredAccommodationTypeInputDto));
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    fawad29 created

    Thanks, works fine now.