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Activities of "DennisAhlin"

The integration entity gets soft deleted, but not the steps (they are untouched). Aren't cascading of soft deletion implemented in Boilerplate?

Hi! I have an integration entity, which have many integration step entities. The steps also have links to other steps in the same integration.


Integration1 || \ Step1 = Step2

I can not figure out how to get the cascade deletion working when I delete an integration? The integration is deleted, but not the integration steps. How can I solve this?

Thank you!

I solved it with method 2. I tried with NSwag first, but since it does not generate a base client I was required to make a partial class with the interception for every controller, which is a bit tedious and takes away a part of the benefits of code generation. Therefore I went for Swagger Codegen instead, where I only need to make a partial of the base ApiClient for the interception. It was also easier to solve the authorization part in Codegen.

Hi! TL;DR: .NET Clients generated from swagger.json cannot parse models from API because they think that response.Content will contain the Model, but the model is wrapped in a response class, which makes the deserialization fail. How to solve this?

I am making a .NET client for accessing my application's API externally, so I've generated a client with Swagger Codegen (<a class="postlink" href=""></a>). But when the client is trying to parse a response, it fails because it thinks that the request.Content is going to be the same as the model defined in the swagger.json, but it isn't. The model is wrapped in a response body, which makes the deserialization fail.

I.e. for TokenAuth/Authenticate client expects response.Content be like { "accessToken": "wtqt2...warar", "encrypted..": ...}, but instead it is {"result": { "accessToken": "wtqt2...warar", "encrypted..": ...}, "targetUrl": "..", ....}.

I'm not sure where the fault lies here, is there something wrong in the swagger.json, Swagger Codegen or is there some kind of configuration in Codegen I'm missing?

PS. I did a quick try in NSwag and the problem seems to be there as well. Weird thing is that it obviously works for DS.



My classes:

public class Member: FullAuditedEntity, IMustHaveTenant
        public int TenantId { get; set; }

        public virtual Company Company { get; set; }
        public virtual int? CompanyId { get; set; }
public class Company : FullAuditedEntity
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public virtual ICollection<Member> Members { get; set; }

I want the list of all members after adding a member to a company, like this:

newMember.CompanyId = 12;
await _repository.InsertAsync(newMember);
await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();
var membersOfCompany = newMember.Company?.Members;

But the newMember.Company is null after the save changes? How can I load the cooperation entity to the new member?

Just FYI, here you can read more about the implementation of UOW :)

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... it-Of-Work</a>

Hi! I need to store some login credentials (username/password) to external services (like FTP accounts) that my users can enter. Therefore I need to store these in the database, but of course not in plain text, so I need to encrypt it in some way so that I can decrypt them later and use them to access the FTP account from my server. Is there a utility for this in ABP or Zero? I figured user passwords are hashed by Identity.IPasswordHasher, but as far as I can tell, those passwords are not retrievable (as they should), so that's not an option.


GitHub issue here: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/109</a>

I solved it like this:

private static loadLocalizedScripts(): JQueryPromise<any> {
        if (!abp.session.userId) {
            return $.Deferred().resolve();

        var currentCulture =;

        var jTable = "/assets/localization/jtable/jquery.jtable.{0}.js";
        var bootstrapSelect = "/assets/localization/bootstrap-select/defaults-{0}.js";
        var jqueryTimeago = "/assets/localization/jquery-timeago/jquery.timeago.{0}.js";

        return $.when(
            ((currentCulture !== 'en') ? jQuery.getScript(abp.utils.formatString(jTable, LocalizedResourcesHelper.mapCultureForJtable(currentCulture))) : $.Deferred().resolve()),
            jQuery.getScript(abp.utils.formatString(bootstrapSelect, LocalizedResourcesHelper.mapCultureForBootstrapSelect(currentCulture))),
            jQuery.getScript(abp.utils.formatString(jqueryTimeago, LocalizedResourcesHelper.mapCultureForTimeago(currentCulture)))

    private static mapCultureForJtable(currentCulture: string): string {
        const cultureMap = {
            'sv-SE': 'se',
            'sv': 'se'
            //Add more here

        if (cultureMap[currentCulture])
            return cultureMap[currentCulture];

        return currentCulture;

    private static mapCultureForBootstrapSelect(currentCulture: string): string {
        const cultureMap = {
            'en': 'en_US'
            //Add more here

        if (cultureMap[currentCulture])
            return cultureMap[currentCulture];

        return currentCulture.replace('-', '_');

    private static mapCultureForTimeago(currentCulture: string): string {
        const cultureMap = {
            'sv-SE': 'sv'
            //Add more here

        if (cultureMap[currentCulture])
            return cultureMap[currentCulture];

        return currentCulture;

When Swedish language is selected (sv-SE or sv), LocalizedResourcesHelper tries to find or here <a class="postlink" href=""> ... per.ts#L40</a> Too bad the language file is called, so we get a 404. The same goes for jquery timeago.

Bootstrap Select also checks for supported cultures, so it reverts to english, since it cannot find sv-SE or sv in the supportedCultures array.

This is probably not only a problem with Swedish. How to solve this best?

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