Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "MarkusBernhardt"

Any success? We would also love to use Azure Vault

Ok. I finally got debugging to work. Yeah!

Now the problem is clear:

  • my service returns Task<IActionResult>
  • AbpExceptionFilter.HandleAndWrapException line 64 tests, whether the return type is a ObjectResult
  • AbpExceptionFilter.GetStatusCode that sets the correct error code is never reached

How can I change this behaviour?

This does not work for me. I'm on VS 2017 latest.

When I set a break point in my code, open the stack and try to open the calling method I get: Abp.pdb not loaded

Is there a way to debug into that code? I found some tickets on GitHub, but no working solution for me.

Not at the moment, but I am planning to add it, because this is a web API for external use.

Any more ideas? Anyone?

Hi Aaron!

I added the comments to both the implementation and the interface. But it does not work.

Is there anything else I have to do?

Best regards, Markus



Ok. Got it. Your documentation is a little bit confusing.

I was looking where the in the aspnet-core folder of the downloaded project pointed me to: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... Guide-Core</a>

The Angular guide clearly states, it is only describing the Angular app. "This document is only for the Angular application. For server side, see ASP.NET Core documentation too."

Didn't realise I have to subtract things then.

Thanks for the clarification.

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