Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "abu"

sir i have use this script in my html page..!! but same problem..

<script src="/api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll" type="text/javascript"></script> and <script src="/api/AbpServiceProxies/Get?name=tasksystem/task" type="text/javascript"></script>

i also have same error i have an ImemberprofileAppService interface and memberProfileAppService class files

the above two files present in application in MemberProfiles folder

i used this in .js file

i have the following coding in webapi

DynamicApiControllerBuilder .ForAll<IApplicationService>(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(MYVEOApplicationModule)), "tasksystem") .Build();

what is the service name in this case please give an answer....???? please

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