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Activities of "botcoredev"

I want to integrate Azure KeyVault service into my solution to store important secret in keyvault.

Can anyone explain how to do this?

Please reply soon.

Thanks in advance.

Please answer quickly. I am in a tight schedule.

I want to re-use the same _ CreateOrEdit popup, which is used in index page of a table, on button click Edit Modal popup must be loaded in a custom page.

Please reply as soon as posible.

Thanks in advance.

Can you please suggest me something. Because then only I can move on to other tasks in my project. I am in a hurry. Please respond.

Ok can you please elaborate that. Because in my page I will be having Go-js templets. So I need a separate page for that.

Yes I followed this link only. But instead of having a prior repo in git, I created a empty git repo in Azure devops and try to push the code after that.

Please suggest what should i do?

I want to add multiple pages for a CRUD operation. Not like modal popup. And I want to use mvc format. How can I achieve this. Because in your solution, One have to follow your steps. I just want to use the core mvc functionality and able to add pages in the menu bar.

What should I do? I am in hurry. Plz reply asap.

I created a git repo first in azure devops, with an empty folder. Then try to create the pipeline, but it failled because there were no files in it. So, I clone repo to my local and then added the downloaded source code from Asp .Net Zero and created a pull request. After that "Restore, Build" were successfull, but yarn gave an error. So, after that, I ran yarn command in the root folder of .MVC project, then created the bundules and then pushed again. And then "Restore, Build, yarn" were successful. But I got a build error in "Npm Run Task".

my .sln is running successfully in local.

But i dont understand, why its not builing in the PIpeline.

Plz reply as soon as possible.

Showing 11 to 18 of 18 entries