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Activities of "digitalcontrol"

We want in EntityChanges table to add few more columns so we can have additional information, like entity name or title not only entityId, and of course to implement the logic for setting values for these additional columns. Do you have any advice how this can be done?

I have user with two roles Role1 and Role2 and when I want to remove Role1 exception with message "User already in role 'User is not in role 'Role2' " is shown.

Edit: In explanation of this problem I made small mistake because role had different name and display name. The case is when I try to deletete Role1 exception message is "User already in role 'User is not in role 'Role1' ". It is same role and not have any connection to other roles.


We would like to open some pages publicly depending on our business logic condition. So if some property is true particular pages will be publicly accessible. Is there a recommended way of implementing such functionality? We are aware of public portal but that is not what we need.


As soon as we start application (IIS web server) .NET Core Host service use at least 500MB after few users start using application it easily goes over 1GB, after some time it realese it but it never go below 500-600 MB. I can send you memory dump file. Not sure what other info can be relevant. Do you have any expirence with these situations and is there any recommendation?

AddJsonOptions method in Startup.cs doesn't work. We tried a few options but none of them worked. How can we set SerializerSettings.DateFormatString?

First option:

services.AddMvc(options =>
	options.Filters.Add(new CorsAuthorizationFilterFactory(DefaultCorsPolicyName));
.AddJsonOptions(options =>
	options.SerializerSettings.DateFormatString = "dd-MMM-yyyy";

Second option from link :

services.PostConfigure<MvcJsonOptions>(options =>
	foreach (var convert in options.SerializerSettings.Converters)
		if (convert is AbpDateTimeConverter)
			var tmpConverter = convert as AbpDateTimeConverter;
			tmpConverter.DateTimeFormat = "dd-MMM-yyyy";
return services.AddAbp<RIMIKSXWebHostModule>(options =>

Third option:

services.Configure<MvcJsonOptions>(options => { options.SerializerSettings.DateFormatString = "dd-MMM-yyyy"; });
return services.AddAbp<RIMIKSXWebHostModule>(options =>

I installed Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core, and in interface of AppService I put [HttpPost] to change method from Get to Post, but it didn't work. Method is still Get.

Our application mostly works fine, but sometimes (after it is inactive for some time like an hour or two) it could take ages for login only. At first we suspect on some IIS configuration settings like Application pool settings from screenshot below but changing these values did not help. Does this behavior sounds familiar to you and do you have any additional IIS configuration recommendation for hosting application based on ASP.NET Zero framework?


LDAP authentication works fine on Zero framework but I would like to set up SSO for it, do you have solution for that?

How can we use Metronic components in Zero framework like these accordions: Except for design I would like to have functionality e.g.  I get the accordion design but I can't trigger collapse/expand functionalities.

I want to seed database on app start only in production mode. What is the best way to do that? I injected IHostingEnvironment in RIMIKSXEntityFrameworkCoreModule and added code

public override void Initialize() { IocManager.RegisterAssemblyByConvention(typeof(RIMIKSXEntityFrameworkCoreModule).GetAssembly());

// ignore seeding in development
if (_env.IsDevelopment())
    SkipDbSeed = true;


and it works fine. But now Migrator project and Unit tests don't work, because of that dependency. This is the error message: Can't create component 'RIMIKSX.EntityFrameworkCore.RIMIKSXEntityFrameworkCoreModule' as it has dependencies to be satisfied.

Showing 1 to 10 of 21 entries