Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "dparizek"


The tutorial here:

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... ep-By-Step</a>

has you do these steps:

  1. create child routes to tenant parent route in app.js.
$stateProvider.state('tenant', {
            'abstract': true,
            url: '/tenant',
            template: '<div ui-view class="fade-in-up"></div>'

        $stateProvider.state('tenant.sop', {
            url: '/sop',
            templateUrl: '~/App/tenant/views/sop/index.cshtml'
  1. Then under App/tenant/views you create a folder for index.js and index.cshtml.
<div ng-controller="tenant.views.sop.index as vm">
    <div class="row margin-bottom-5">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
            <div class="page-head">
                <div class="page-title">
    <div class="portlet light">
        <div class="portlet-body">

            <p>SOP CONTENT COMES HERE!</p>

(function () {
    appModule.controller('tenant.views.sop.index', [
        function ($scope) {
            var vm = this;

            $scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function () {

  1. You add entries for Localization to Core/Localization/MyProject/MyProject.xml.
<text name="Sop" value="SOP" />
  1. Also must add a constant entry to App_Start/Navigation/PageNames.cs. [this part seems not mentioned in tutorial]
public static class Tenant
                public const string Dashboard = "Dashboard.Tenant";
                public const string QueryBuilder = "QueryBuilder.Tenant";
                public const string Demo = "Demo.Tenant";
                public const string Sop = "Sop.Tenant";
                public const string Social = "Social.Tenant";
                public const string Filer = "Filer.Tenant";
                public const string Settings = "Administration.Settings.Tenant";

After all that I still get the error angular.js:13642 Error: Could not resolve 'tenant.sop' from state 'tenant.dashboard'

and I had this problem before but fixed it before. But I cannot remember how I fixed ): There needs to be yet one more entry somewhere but not remembering where.. or I am still missing something??? or ???...??? Ideas?

NEVERMIND - was browser caching (or maybe combo with clearing ABP caches) issue. Arrgh!


Excited about this I am! --> <a class="postlink" href=""> ... o-for-mac/</a>

I wonder if any of the sample projects will need adjustment to work?

Also curious if the new ASP.NET Core based on Angular 2 and Visual Studio Code will still become available this year? Maybe it would be easier to have it work in Visual Studio for Mac? although in VS Code would give access to Linux too.


Maybe add a note about this to tutorials??

Adding more keywords - styles, css not added, less not included, styling, style not showing

<cite>hikalkan: </cite> Hi,

It's related to Visual Studio rather than the framework. Which VS versiyon are you using? In VS2013, Web Essentials extension automatically compiles it. In VS2015, Web Essentials less support is dropped. But there is another extension "Web Compiler" (<a class="postlink" href=""></a>) does it. I'm using it for VS2015.


So if we are using VS2015, and install web compiler, less files automagically taken care of?

Are there any docs on how to mod the CSS where for what? and how that fits into the build system? That is all a VS extensions thing, not part of ABP correct?

In the tutorial I add the less file to make the People Delete and Edit buttons float right, but those styles never get included. Adding just a .css file does not get included either. I assume then nothing is automatically scanning for those files and then adding references somewhere. So I need to add a reference somewhere?


I can get the file to compile fine.

I just cannot get it to show up on the site. Like it is not getting included somehow. But that should be happening automatically, right?

From docs: "All scripts and styles in the App folder (and subfolders) are bundled (see AppBundleConfig class). Any scripts and styles that you place there will be automatically added to the layout."

This is still correct right?


SPA. and works fine now. I had stupid bug on my part, sorry.


The tutorial here almost represents a full CRUD application except there is no Update People functionality.

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... ep-By-Step</a>

If someone can give me example code to create the UpdatePersonInput and UpdatePerson method for the PersonAppService then I would be happy to add to the tutorial, edit it in general for English readability, and submit PR.

I am a newbie to ASP.NET in general and sadly not sure I can write best example code, so asking here for it.

Then the tutorial will be complete example of a full CRUD app. (-:


Sending the ASP.NET Zero time huge virtual wishes that coding of this goes fast and well. May you code like the wind. I am anxiously waiting for it to be released as I am waiting for it to start a big project. (-:

If you work from a template downloaded from /Downloads, and you want to add in upgrades from the aspnet zero team, what is the approach people are using? Diff all the files and add in each upgrade change manually?

Which seems like a huge job... so most people are forking from the github repos? But those repos - do they fully match up to the different template/sample types?

If you start from the repo, what process are people using to efficiently refactor things like "MyCompanyName" in the filenames and globally in the files? Just global find/replace?

Building the template starter projects from /Downloads works fine for me.

I clone the aspnetzero repo here: <a class="postlink" href=""></a> though and build fails with error tsc.exe exited with code 1.


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