Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "dparizek"


I also was not able to get the suggested solution to work and also stopped on development because of it.

I am confused on directions from Mitch. Currently Aspnetzero Angular solution is using .NET Core 3.1.

I cannot find 2.2.0 even available for download... where did folks download from?

Then it says run on cmd (I assume run on the cmd line... or reinstall power tools.. so if we reinstall power tools we can ignore need to run that line?

If we install 2.2 then do we need to go back to installing 3.1 for the angular/core solution overall?

Seconded on is it possible to revert to older versions of Power Tools somehow? My projects on hold pending resolution here.

I have same problem... one error I am seeing is I get that it cannot access the configuration file - that it is in use by another process.. specifically System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll in the AspNetZeroRadTool folder

@maliming Thank YOU!!!!!

I have a similar problem but am willing to try disabling antiforgery - except when I add

Configuration.Modules.AbpWeb().AntiForgery.IsEnabled = false;

to my ApplicationModule PreInitialize method then I am missing a Using statement as it does not recognize AbpWeb()

What would be the Using statement? I tried using Abp.Configuration.Startup; no luck.

Also, I cannot find any EnableCores function in my codebase... where does that go if I want to enable Cors?

Doesn't that apply more if I am trying to create the server side of the API - the endpoints?

Above I am trying to consume a third party API... someone's else data api on the web from my app... not trying to be on the producer side.

So I just need to send them the xml in plain text... I don't need it formatted... in postman or a console app the above just works to access the third party app... so what could be making that code not work if I put it in ABP?

I search on the error text and I get references to SSL / TSL issues but I have verified that does not seem to be the issue in my case.

Actually I will make an example and write it up. I think (-:

+1 for detailed example. In the UI-Demo0-Components section there is great UI for multi-file upload but that demonstration does not work for actual uploading. Is it supposed to work with ng2-file-upload?


There is this...

I think ASP.NET Zero team should update it for ASP.NET Zero UI and make it an included app with ASP.NET Zero (-;

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