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Activities of "enigma"

Hey Guys,

I am looking for some guidance on tracking entity changes using ABP or ASP.NET Zero. I suspect there is nothing built in specifically to track detailed entity changes because there are many ways that this can be implemented based on requirements. I am aware that ABP tracks who/when entities are modified, but I am in need of a solution that also captures details on the specific changes.

My current plan is to override ApplyAbpConcepts and use the ChangeTracker to determine what has changed so that I can log what is necessary to a table (or tables).

Is this a reasonable approach? Is there a better approach that I am missing? I just want to make sure I am not overlooking any useful utilities that may already exist as part of the framework.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Enigma

Thank you! I saw the changes are now available and look forward to trying them out.

Hey all,

We are running into an issue as our system becomes more complex. We have a number of aggregate roots that, upon change, require us to make various calculations within the system and save those to the database.

When an entity is updated, we need to pull in various other entities and perform calculations. If we try to use a repository in this event, it appears to query against the database instead of the local changes. This means that inserted entities are not found (which are required for our calculations).

On the other hand, if we try to use the updated (instead of ing) event, we cannot make any additional database changes because the context has been disposed.

Given that I assume events exist for this type of situation, I am wondering if we are doing something wrong or missing a key concept with how they should be used.

Any input is greatly appreciated! I am more than happy to add more clarification if necessary.


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