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Activities of "evadmin"

I'm unit testing some functioinality that involves creating organization units. I have no idea if what I've written works because the unit test continues to fail. I've narrowed it down to a situation in which new organization units aren't being added to the DbContext via IRepository<OrganizationUnit>.Insert() or IRepository<OrganizationUnit>.InsertAndGetIdAsync().

As you can see in the image above, according to the organizationUnitRepository which is injected into the constructor of the class this method is in, the collection of OrganizationUnits is unmodified. There are 14 units initialized directly in the DbContext during the test set up and code-first seed process. A new ID is returned, but the collection remains unmodified.

Tryng to assign the new ID as the parent to a new OrganizationUnit fails with the exception "There is no such entity. Entity type: Abp.Organizations.OrganizationUnit, id: 15". The same ID from the first image that was returned after IRespository<OrganizationUnit>.InsertAndGetIdAsync() was called.

I've spent about 13 hours trying to figure this out and I'm not making any progress. I'm desperate for help at this point.

We are using Zero v 5.1 and localization isn't working properly. I'm getting the following output from ASP.NET Core Web Server, despite the fact that <text> elements are present for all over them in Evsuite.Admin.Core\Localization\Admin\Admin.xml :

Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Tenants' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Editions' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Dashboard' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Administration' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'OrganizationUnits' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Roles' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Users' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Languages' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'AuditLogs' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Maintenance' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Subscription' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'VisualSettings' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'Settings' in localization source 'Admin'! Evsuite.Admin.Web.Mvc> [14:11:31 WRN] Can not find 'DemoUiComponents' in localization source 'Admin'!

What do I need to do for the text values for the localization keys to render correctly?

I have over 120 users in my database, but the users table only shows 10 total. Switching the drop down to show more at once has no effect. The buttons to advance to the next set of records are disabled. I'd like to be able to interact with all my users, any ideas?


Settings > Appearance > Upload_Logo_info isn't working correctly. I upload an image and it changes the logo on the banner. If navigate away, the image reverts to the ASP.NET Zero logo. If I click Save All and navigate away, the image reverts. Any suggestions?

Hello, I'm using the latest version of Abp0 (.net core 2.0). I'm trying to figure out how to secure the web host project against an server running IdentityServer4. I see that the default authentication uses JWT bearer token, but I don't understand what to use for the SecurityKey value.

So I tried to use IdentityServerAuthencitation by adding IdentityServer4 AccessTokenValidation.2.0.0-rc2 which is supposed to support dotnetcore 2.0, but that's not working either.

Does anyone have some advice or an example of how to authenticate the API (web host project) with a JWT given an existing API resource registered with an existing IdentityServer4 implementation?


Hi, I've configured my site to use as my smtp server, but it doesn't seem to work and I can't figure out how to debug it. When I try to send test emails, there's a notification saying they are sent successfully, but none of the emails I've sent have been received.

Hi, the documentation describes configuring IdentityServer4 clients in appsettings.json, but is there a way to configure IdentityResources and ApiResources?

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