Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


Yes, first you need to copy all files and then you need to merge this branch into your main branch.

It means that, if we delete a rename a file during the development and if you copy new file into your project, the renamed or deleted file will remain in your source code.

Hi @razkhan78

It means copying all files of the newly downloaded project onto your existing project. But note that, this operaiton must be done in a different branch so you will not lost your existing code.

Hi @ictadmin

Is it possible to share your MVC project with [email protected] ?

Hi @Bernard

You can take a look at this document For other cases, you can check Elsa's documentation.



Yes, you should also use SQL Server 2016 or above and set compatibility mode of your db using the query below;

ALTER DATABASE database_name

Also can we upgrade to 13.1.0 without upgrading our app from .NET 6 to .NET 8?

We don't suggest this.

What is the expected release date of 13.2.0?

Final version of 13.2 will be released next week on Tuesday.

Hi @arctechnicalteamaus

We have made a few enhancements about this. Could you upgrade your Abp NuGet packages to latest version and see if it fixes the problem ?


You can make a request to AbpUserConfiguration/GetAll endpoint with the access token in the Authorization header and use returned result.auth.grantedPermissions and set it to abp.auth.grantedPermissions

Hi @winhost

In that case, could you share the server side error message ? You can find it in App_Data/Logs folder.


Is it really hosted on localhost or did you write localhost instead of wring your own domain ?


Do you know which Index.js causes this issue ?

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