Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "jizhongqi"

Hi All,

As we know the we can generate the typedscript proxies for the serverside APIs, and it can be called from Angular client, I want to know if ASP.NET Zero can generate c# client proxies, means I want to call the server APIs from a C# client( winform application). anyone has good idea to fullfill this functionanlity?

Hi, If I want update the production environment ASP.NET CORE & Angular site to a new release, how to update the database if there are some changes for the DB, for example from 5.5.0 to 5.6.0. any suggestions?

Dear All, For normal case, if we deploy a web site to a IIS server, if the server has multiple IPs which connect to different LANs, by default the website is accessible to all the users from the different LANs, but for the ASP.NET CORE & Angular solution, it is no way, because the ServerRootAddress is limited the API service can only available for a specific LAN. if anyone one can help about how to solve this issue? thank you very much.

Dear All,

My ASP.NET CORE & Angular solution is deployed in a plant server, there are two IPs for the server. one is connected to a LAN let's say 192.168.0.x/, it is accessible from the sub net machines meanwhile, the server has a another IP, which is connect to a Plant level network, the IP is like 192.169.11.x/, and all the IP in the same sub net can access this server.

my question is how can i configure the web site to let all the users/machine which both in sub net and can access the website? this is very important for me, please help, and thank you very much!

thank you very much.

Project solution: ASP.NET + Angular, V5.5.2 Latest VS2017 version: 15.7.5 SQL server2012 version:

1, if run the asp net core project directly from vs2017, it works file, I can login the sytem. 2, if I compile the solution and deploy it to window IIS server, couldn't login the system, if check the log, the error messages are about the failed to access sql server2012.

pleas check attached log file for more details.

Hello Support Team I want to make the dashboard portlets are draggable, just like metronic_v5.1/default/dist/default/components/portlets/draggable.html. so I change the portlets in the dashboard to <div class="m-portlet m-portlet--mobile m-portlet--sortable">, if i move the mouse over the portlets it changed to cross mouse, but if I try to drag the portlets, it doesn't work, please tell me how to make this working. thank you very much.

Dear Support, I got some trouble when I deploy the core & Angular solution in my company intranet, eg. ASP.Net Core and Angular run separately, core running at <a class="postlink" href="http://localIP(">http://localIP(</a>):22742, angular running at <a class="postlink" href="http://localIp(">http://localIp(</a>):4200, in order to let the users can access the website hosted on the intranet server:, I have to mapping the intranet angular 4200 port to outside internet domain name, eg, <a class="postlink" href=""></a>, which is mapping to intranet ip, ideally if we access <a class="postlink" href=""></a> from internet, it should work and display the angular login page, but it displayed an error messagebox (attached). meanwhile if I access the same url from intranet(where my local server is running) it works fine. since the production network infrastructure will be similar to this, and I have spent several days to investigate this issue, and couldn't find the root cause, please help and see how to solve this issue. if you need more information, please let me know, many thanks for your help!

Hello, When I tried to call an application service to fill a combo box in an Angular2 modal dialog it seems not working, unless we call SetTimeout method like: but if we set this timeout more then 1seconde, for emxample 2s, it doesn't look good, because there are some delay to display the combo list values, anyone got this issue? and how to solve it?

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