Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "josepereira"

Ok Thank you.

Any update on this?

Hello Aaron, Thank you for your reply.

I've got the latest version 6.7.0, and in fact the error is not happening anymore, and the message is displaying however the spin keeps running forever freezing the whole app, an error message is also displayed in the console. Can you explain me why is it happening and how to fix it? I've attached the screenshoot from it.

Obs:It is only happening with error messages, success message are running fine.

Thanks! Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at 11.09.33 PM.png

I'm using V6.6.0, it is latest one as I bought apsnetzero a couple of weeks ago, and the link that you sent is broken, it is returning a 404 - not found.

I did not add anything in the project it is brand new from scrach, downloaded from the site and ran it.



I'm in my "trial" period of 30 days using ASPNet Zero, and trying to get my head around the whole project, and decide if it will work for me not. So while doing that I've just downloaded a demo project, and set up everthing. The app is running fine however, the sweetalert messages are not being displayed for some reason, and I'm also not sure how is the best way to debug the client side. I'm new to angular and VS code could you also help me or have any document that could guide me on the debug process. I'm attaching the error message that is being displayedon Chrome console so you guys can see.

Thank you.! Screen Shot 2019-02-24 at 9.19.40 PM.png

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